~ chapter 42 ☁️

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'Yeah, I don't really have a type though. As long as my girl has a big pair of knockers and a fat ass, I'm good.' He calmly states as if he's just casually commenting on the weather.

'Oh my god, Eli. I swear you literally have no shame.' I'm quick to grimace, shaking my head at his nonchalantness and wondering how long it'll take for me to get used to this childish side of his.

While he lets out a loud, boisterous laugh at my reaction of disdain, always seeming to take amusement in how much I dislike his notorious lewd humour, I can't help but bite my lip in thought as I ponder what he had just said.

As someone whose always been naturally skinny, I'd be lying if I said I absolutely love myself and my body in light of today's beauty standards. While female bodies with big boobs and big butts define the image of desirability in modern society, my small boobs and virtually non existent ass couldn't be further from this.

Thankfully it's not something that haunts my every thought, neither is it an aspect of myself that I instantly notice every time I pass a mirror but it's definitely something that does succeed in getting me down and making me feel insecure from time to time.

I've never told anyone about it though, apart from Piper and Asha that is. And I remember being surprised when Asha herself had soon confided in us too saying she also felt the same way. To me Asha is and has always been my body goals, she's got that kind of curvy figure that Instagram has catapulted into popularity. And this is why I had been so shocked when she had agreed that she often felt like she didn't have an attractive body either and that she also felt like she was too big sometimes.

Of course Piper and I had instantly started trying to convince her otherwise, telling her that her body was beautiful and not at all as big as she was describing and that even if it was, she would still be stunning all the same- similar to how they had reacted when I had earlier talked about feeling like I was too skinny to be pretty. At the end of this memorable, deep 3am chat though, I distinctly remember walking away and at least just being grateful that at least one of us was confident in her body. And that was of course Piper, standing in all her 5'10'' glory with her athletic and slim build.

I'm soon snapped out of my trip down memory lane however when Eli leans forward to softly flick my forehead. Effectively catching my attention, I send him a small scowl, raising my hand to rub the spot he had hit.

'I'm just kidding. Calm down, Willy.' He chortles, eyes gleefully taking in the slight blush on my cheeks that had developed at his earlier comment.

'It's not my fault you talk the way you do.' I nag, titling my head in criticism at his smirking figure and blowing out a puff of air when his grin only widens at my statement. 'Anyways, don't you think we should we be going in now?'

'Eh, we can wait a few more minutes, can't we?' he suggests with a shrug when he sees my gaze soon shifting off him and towards the front entrance.

'We still have a while before the movie starts. And let's not be forgetting about your beloved 20 odd minutes of trailers too.' He reminds with an eye roll when he sees me continue to glance unsurely out of the car window.

Taking my eyes off the building at the mention of this, I'm quick to unconsciously frown at the thought of trailers and he simply chuckles and shakes his head in amusement at how quickly I am to lose interest in getting up and going in right now.

'...But really, I was just joking though. I mean I won't lie, those were the kind of girls I used to go for. But now my preference has kind of changed completely. I guess now that I'm getting older, I'm just starting to understand what I really want in a girl, you know?'

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