~ chapter 43 ☁️

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Walking into the theatre, the first thing that catches my eyes is how busy it is, or rather how long the queue for the tickets is. For a moment I'm confused, puzzled as to why it's way more crowded than I was expecting for a typical Sunday night. That is until I spot the middle aged, blond woman shouting until she is red in the face right at the front of the line, all the way on the other side of the room.

We're not close enough to be able to clearly hear her, especially now that more employees have gathered around in an effort to hush her.
But I can hear bits of her shrieking, and from what I can gather, she's accusing the nervous looking teenage boy behind the tills of scamming her.

'Great. As if the line isn't already long enough, of course we've got to have a Karen kicking off as the cherry on top.' Eli groans in a unimpressed tone from besides me as we stand by the front doors, watching the angry woman alongside pretty much everyone else here.

It's safe to say she's making a spectacle of herself.

'It's okay, like you said, we've got time.' I acknowledge, still watching the scene and feeling sorry for the fed up looking employees who try and calmly guide her away from the queue only to end up getting screamed at even more.

'Okay, well in that case, I need to go take a piss. Wait here a minute for me, yeah?' Eli boredly asks, looking away from the woman with a heavy sigh and raising an expectant eyebrow at me whilst giving me a stern look that basically tells me to stay put while he goes to do his business.

'Yeah, sure.' I shrug, turning and about to get my phone out to busy myself while he's gone when something else pops into my mind and I turn back to face him with a teasing grin. 'If you're gone for too long, should I call the police and tell them that there may be a possibility that you've been kidnapped by a certain blonde girl?'

He simply clicks his tongue at me, a half smirk appearing on his lips at my taunt before he turns away from me.

'Shut the hell up.' He laughs loudly, shaking his head to himself in amusement and not looking back again as he strolls away to presumably find the toilets.

I watch his back until he leaves, at which point my gaze settles back to the line to find the employees have somewhat succeeded in soothing the woman who now stands to the side, engaged in what looks to be a fierce discussion with a woman wearing a manager's badge.

I also note that despite the disruptive woman leaving the queue, it still seems to be moving incredibly slow, something which I guess makes sense when you consider the fact that only one employee is working the ticket line.

Looking around for somewhere to sit, I soon spy a few colourful, uncomfortable looking chairs tucked away in a relatively empty corner of the theatre lounge. I quickly decide to sit myself down over there while I wait for Eli.

I must only have been sitting for a minute or so, having just pulled out my phone to reply to a friend when I hear the sound of a chair being scraped back to my left. I don't look up to see who the newcomer is though, instead continuing to type out my reply. That is until I hear a voice a speak up a few seconds later.

'Hey, angel.' a gravelly sounding voice greets and I look up to see it is a dodgy looking, older man who I must admit, is sending me quite the creepy smile.

'Hi.' I politely respond in a hesitant tone alongside a strained smile, hoping this will be where our conversation ends.

Fortunately, it seems to be considering that he doesn't reply back and I let out an internal sigh of relief that he has seemingly left me alone and I can now get back to my phone.

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