~ chapter 49 ☁️

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'No, no. Of course she likes you. It's just your imagination.' I fib, releasing a nervous giggle and fiddling with the the straps of my backpack as to avoid his questioning eyes.

'Nah, I don't think so.' Mason presses as we begin walking up the stairwell towards the floor his locker is on. 'She's definitely been
acting off with me the last couple days. Do you think she's got an issue with me?'

Wow, I think as I process his words, and there was stupid me thinking he hadn't cottoned on yet. I mean of course, Piper's remark a few moments was probably the breaking point needed for him to finally bring it up with me. But according to his words, it appears he had indeed actually sensed something was up even before Piper's taunting today.

'Look, it's just Piper being Piper, okay.' I murmur defensively with a shrug, trying to find the right words to say to hopefully get him to drop it. 'She's just being a little especially overprotective of me these days.'

'And why's that?' He's quick to urge.

Because you really messed with my head on Friday, I think sourly as I try my hardest to hold my tongue and quickly think of something that might warrant Piper being particularly protective of me these past few days.

'Because... One of her close friends got cheated on over the weekend.' I declare, low-key feeling proud of myself for having managed to come up with that on the spot.

'Oh, really?'

'Yeah, terrible, isn't it?' I continue in a casual manner, trying my best to convince him that I am indeed talking about a real person. 'Apparently she was in a real state. I guess that's the reason Piper's inner, overprotective Mum has been coming out so much lately. And I know we're obviously not going out or anything but I mean you're still a guy in her eyes aren't you? And right now, well let's just say she's not the biggest fan of boys in general, I guess you could say she's going through an 'all men are trash' phase. So yeah, don't worry because she's only being a bit paranoid because she doesn't want me to get hurt, is all.'

'Ahh, okay.' He seemingly and understandably mutters with a nod of his head but judging from the dodgy look he sends me over his shoulder when he holds the door open for me a second later, I can tell he doesn't believe me.

I awkwardly clear my throat, sending him a tight lipped smile and praying that even if he isn't buying it, he'll just let it go anyway.

As a silence settles between us, my eyes begin wondering over our surroundings. We're still on our way to Mason's locker which is on the building's top level and are currently on the third floor. There's not a lot a people around anymore, especially up here, considering school officially ended about 10 minutes ago now.

That's probably why I'm so quick to spot the two boys sitting outside of the principles office at the end of the hall. Even from this distance, I'm able to recognise the familiar figures of Eli and Haider who are sat scowling and slouching on the yellow chairs outside Mr Newton's office, presumably waiting to go in. I can only guess that the other two boys involved in the fight earlier are already in there and that Eli and Haider are just waiting for it to be their turns to be shouted and screamed at.

Usually, I make an effort to greet Haider if I ever see him in between classes but judging by his current sullen pouting, I have a feeling he'd rather be left alone right now. And so that's what I decide to do, becoming even more confident and content in my decision when I peek a glance at Eli's even more intimidating face of thunder. I can tell Mason has spotted them too in the otherwise pretty deserted hall and it's only when we go past them that one of them finally glances up at the sound of our passing footsteps.

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