~ chapter 12 ☁️

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'And why did you run?' He presses in a calm tone.

At this point, my mind seems to have gone blank and my brain seems to be buckling beneath the pressure of the situation as I resort to saying the first thing that comes into my head.

'Because your... the other b-boy was really mad and I got s-scared and panicked.' I tremble, fiddling nervously with my hands.

He continues to fix me with a heated stare and it almost feels like his eyes are yelling at me to spill the truth as quickly as possible so this interrogation can be done with.

'Have you told anyone?'

That's the first thing to come out of his mouth today that doesn't surprise me as this is the one question I have been anticipating all along. A wave of anxiety washes over me when I realise we are finally getting to the nitty gritty bit of this whole conversation, we are now getting to the main reason for me having recently been tormented in this game of cat and mouse.

'No.' I reply making sure to keep eye contact with him while I speak and hoping he'll see the sincerity and desperation in my eyes.

'And why should I believe you?' He asks, tilting his head slightly at my small form.

His question in response to my answer is immediate and clear, as if he has been waiting for and expecting me to say this all along. Instantly I begin babbling, not knowing what else to do to show him I am being sincere and truthful.

'I'm not lying, I swear. I-I-would never tell anyone about what I saw. I pinky promise I hon-'

I stop cold, cutting myself off when I hear and process the words 'pinky promise' fly out my mouth. As soon as a this realisation occurs, I panic and lift my hand to cover my mouth in embarrassment as I break eye contact with him.

No way did I just utter that, did I mention something so stigmatised as being childish in front of Alexander Scott. Oh god, he's surely going to think I'm taking the piss now. Whilst I am a firm believer in the concept of a pinky promise, I'm really not quite sure someone like Alexander would appreciate such a thing.

I take a secret glance back up to his face to notice his expression hasn't changed upon hearing my words. Instead he is raising an eyebrow as if prompting me to continue or maybe perhaps he is confused, I'm not quite sure, I couldn't read him if I tried.

A silence now surrounds us as I stand there before him mentally face palming myself for having such a big mouth. I haven't felt so awkward in a while, excluding yesterday night when I caught Alexander Scott and a soccer player snogging in a classroom of course.

'Hmm, yeah, just make her pinky promise, Alex. She sees it as some blood oath shit or something.' Haider hums thoughtfully in the background and I am definitely thankful for him being the one to break the silence in such a way.

The blond haired boy's face remains stony, his blank eyes, as usual not giving anything away as they flicker between Haider and I.

'How do you know that?' Eli questions curiously in the background, piping his interest.

'She used to make me do it all the time when I would promise to to meet up after school to work on our Chemistry projects. Worked like a bitch too, it always made me feel weirdly guilty whenever I wanted to bunk.' Haider explains, laughing in reminisce.

That would have made me smile too if it hadn't been for the intimidating situation I am currently finding myself in because that, ladies and gentlemen, is the beauty of a pinky promise. I don't know what it is, but there's just something some people find more more personal and intimate about a pinky promise which makes it harder for them to actually break them. And last year, I had discovered that Haider is, bizarrely enough, one of those people.

At the start, whenever I would arrange to meet Haider, I could always tell his mind would begin to wonder, possibly about all the things he could be doing that day instead of writing out chemical equations. And so I began using the tactic of forcing him to look me in the eyes and pinky promising. It didn't make him the perfect partner all of a sudden but it certainly made him a lot more honest and from that point on, he'd always confess whether he actually had honest intentions on meeting up with me. And on occasions when he would manage to worm his way out because he was 'tired' or 'not in the mood' that day, I would always continue to lecture and pester him the next day until he'd eventually give in.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a sudden movement in front of my face and that's when I look up to see an image I never thought I'd ever see, Alexander Scott holding out his pinky to me.

'Well?' He speaks in a matter of factly manner while I stare in astonishment at him.

'I-I... erm-' I mumble quietly, my brain not being able to from coherent thoughts as my gaze flies between his outstretched pinky and nonchalant expression.

I'm not sure what to think, something which is evident when my gaze abandons Alexander to nervously settle on Eli and Haider for a moment. Unsurprisingly I find they're not a lot of help at all. Eli just wriggles his eyebrows teasingly at me while Haider flashes a thumbs up in my direction.

I can't help but wonder if this is a prank. Are they expecting me to reach forward and extend my finger too, thinking this is serious only for something to happen? Because surely there's no way Alexander is trying to amuse me with something like a pinky promise in a situation like the present.

'Unless... That means you're daring to lie to my face? Is that it then, Willow, are you trying to lie to me?' Alexander cunningly muses, as if insulted as his voice somehow slips into a deeper tone than he was already previously speaking in.

I swear I see a flash of amusement sweep through his eyes but as soon as I blink, it's gone and I'm left wondering if I had imagined it all along. Doing a double take at his words, I shiver at the prospect of lying to Alexander Scott's face and trying to get away alive as I violently shake my head at his claim before hesitantly reaching forward to hook my pinky around his.

It feels... weird and unnatural to say the least and very much gives me the vibe of a predator and prey shaking hands before the predator launches its final attack and gobbles it's prey all up.

I swallow as we make physical contact, the first thing I notice is that there is a startling difference between my cold hand and his warm one. And despite the delicious heat his skin offers to my own trembling form, I am immediately eager to get my hand off his and away from him as soon as possible. Something about being this close to him has all my senses on alert as if I need to be on the look out for something.

Alexander nods in approval at my decision and just as I am about to release his little finger and step back, he suddenly grabs my hand in his with a harsh grip. I quickly freeze, a small squeal exiting my open mouth when I feel his other hand coming to  clamp tightly around my elbow as he effectively pulls me into his chest.

I am positive my blood is about to run cold when he slowly leans down to reach my height, breath now fanning my face as he whispers into my ear.

'If I find out you're lying, I'm going to be a disappointed man, Willow. And trust me when I say I'm not the kindest to people who upset me.'

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