~ chapter 14 ☁️

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'-Oh my god, and her accent, guys. Her accent is the best I've ever heard in my life. Like don't get me wrong, everyone knows Italian accents are beautiful anyway, but hers- god, I could listen to her speak all day.' Piper sighs wistfully, eyes glazed over as if she's reliving Saturday night all over again.

'Or in your case, moan you probably mean.' Asha pipes up with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, pausing in her quest of digging in her locker to send Piper a pointed look.

'That too.' Piper brazenly admits with rosy cheeks, coming back down to earth for a second to causally shrug her shoulders at Asha's cheeky remark.

It's Monday morning and Piper still hasn't stopped going on about the club she went to on Saturday night, or more specifically, about a certain brunette she happened to meet. And despite raving on about her one night stand in a long phone call between the three of us on Sunday evening, Piper still seems to be enchanted with her encounter even now a few days later.

Piper is no stranger to leaving an occasional party or night of clubbing with someone, but I have never seen her like this before, at least not over a one night stand that is.

It's just a shame that's all it's ever going to be though. As much as Piper seems smitten with this mysterious stranger, she did admit to not having much of a memory of Saturday night due to her drunkenness. She says she remembers bits and pieces here and there and that soon after they had met, they had already begun getting all touchy feely with each other and that it wasn't long before an Uber was called. Piper remembers this girl being about as intoxicated as her but claims that the sex was amazing, (well as far as she can remember), and that she passed out soon after, waking up alone in her bed the next morning.

She doesn't have a number or even a name so it's not like she'll be able to track her down either. Apparently she can remember her face clear as day though. According to Piper this chick is the hottest thing she's ever laid eyes on- with charming gray eyes and a short brown bob with a body to die for.

'I just wish I hadn't gone so crazy with the drink so soon, you know. Maybe then, I could actually remember more. I could have been sober enough to ask for her number. God, I'm an idiot.' She groans, looking like she wants to bang her head against the locker and I can sense she's beating herself up over the whole thing.

'Relax, Piper. There's plenty of fish in the sea anyway, right? And if you are so hung up over her, who knows, maybe one day you might bump into each other again on a night out?' I say, trying to reassure her, although even I know the chances of this are slim.

She just hums distractedly in response and it's obvious, she's not really listening to me, probably day dreaming about the woman of her dreams again. Catching Asha's eye, we both can't help but smile slightly whilst shaking our heads at our friend's lovestruck puppy dog state.

'And her ass, guys. God, she had a great ass.' She almost moans in regret, pouting as she leans up against Asha's locker after the black haired girl closes it.

'Hey, now. Don't bring god into that sentence.' Asha teasingly scolds her, laughing loudly.

'You've already told us about her, and I quote 'perfect arse' probably about three times now.' I mutter, lightheartedly rolling my eyes at the brown eyed girl's antics.

That doesn't seem to discourage her though, if anything it seems to prompt her to continue in her fangirling.

'But you both know I've always been an ass kind of girl. And her's was top material. Trust me, all I can say is you know that if you hit that ass, it's gonna bounce back.'

'Erm- am I interrupting something?'

My eyes widen in horror at the familiar voice that drifts out from behind me. And judging by Piper's and Asha's all too knowing, grinning faces- it is definitely who I think it is.

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