~ chapter 6 ☁️

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It's nearly 5pm the next day and yet somehow I have managed to find myself back in school after leaving just a few hours ago. Sounds ideal, right?

About 20 minutes earlier at home, I had decided to finally stop procrastinating and get on with my homework that was due tomorrow only to find it wasn't in my bagpack. It was only then that I realised my dumb ass had forgotten it in my locker despite telling myself numerous times prior to today to put it in my bag. Thankfully I somehow hadn't gotten changed into my pyjamas yet as I usually do when I get home so it didn't take long to prepare to leave the house.

Now usually I would not be up for this at all. If you had told me last week, I'd be voluntarily coming back to school when it was dark out just to collect a piece of homework, I'd have laughed at you. In any other situation I would have given up without even trying and have accepted the impending detention with a shrug of my shoulders.

But I couldn't, firstly Mrs Fern is not my biggest fan right now due to my continuous falling asleep at various times throughout her lesson. She'll probably kill me if I rock up to Geography tomorrow without my homework and I really do not want her on my back any more than she already is.

And second of all, I actually have plans after school tomorrow. Piper, Asha and I are finally going on that shopping trip we've been excitedly planning all week. Our main goal is to get everything we need for Asha so that she'll be looking like an absolute smack come next Friday. But no doubt, we're probably going to spend many hours in the mall and will definitely all be leaving with numerous bags. And I can't let them down like that, it's all they've been talking about today and we haven't had a girls trip in quite the while. Besides we've all got stuff on during the weekend so rescheduling it then wouldn't work either. And I really don't want to leave it till next week either because otherwise knowing Asha and how in control of everything she needs to be, she'll be bouncing off the wall with anxiety all weekend.

And so that's why I decided to get off my lazy arse and trudged back to school. Catching the bus luckily meant I literally got here in 5 minutes and so hopefully I'll be home and at my desk in just 10 more. And from there I should be home dry as I've already gotten my hands on the answers from a classmate.

I finally reach my locker, opening it and glaring daggers at the stupid piece of homework I'm here for as I hastily grab it. Staring at it in annoyance, I still can't believe I seriously came all the way back here just for this, even if it was only a 5 minute journey.

The school is eerily quiet right now. Of course, I had been expecting this considering the time of day but something about being the only one in the empty and dark hall is really creeping me out.

I jump in surprise when I feel my phone buzz in my hand, seeing texts from my group chat with Piper and Asha who still haven't stopped teasing me ever since I told them about my moment of forgetfulness.

the pied piper ❤️😏💃 ~
wow girl, that's some serious dedication. but i'm telling u now, that couldn't be me yall.

gassy ashy 💓☺️🎀 ~
omg willow i even told you to just put it in ur bag that day so u wouldn't forget later on. U NEVER LISTEN TO ME!

the pied piper ❤️😏💃 ~
i'm just imagining willow at school right now looking like she wants to die already and i'm creasing lmao

dr. will 🤍🥺☁️ ~
guys stop clowning me lol may i remind u that 1 of the reasons i'm here is cuz of tomorrow's trip, soooo where my friendship award at?

I sigh softly with a smile, shaking my head at my friends. They are never going to let me live this down and rightfully so I think. Turning around, I begin walking back the way I had came, eager to leave and rush back to do my homework so I could return to my Netflix binge.

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