1 month

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It had been a few weeks since my encounter with the dangerous men had occurred. I had one more week left. I had 5 thousand left to wash and I couldn't figure out how I would do it. I thought about buying a cheap car but the return policy would take 500$ away from the profit. My next best idea was to purchase a flat screen TV and then return it within 2 days.

I was in the appliance store with Cason sitting in the front of the cart swinging his legs. I looked for the most expensive tv I could find. The price tag that I needed landed right on my eyes. 'Smart LED tv 85in $4999' I read.


I bought the tv and drove home thinking of ways to hide it away from Nick until I could return it.

It was still early so I got dinner started and watched some cartoons until the baby fell asleep on me. I put him in his crib and went to go hide the flatscreen. I had decided to take it out of the house completely and put it in Cason's play house in the backyard.

Hours had gone by and Nick was home.
"Hey baby." He greeted me with a kiss but he smelled like perfume. I kissed him back disgusted and put on a smile.
"Dinner is ready for you. How was your day?" I asked Not really caring

"It was good. How was yours? Did you do anything fun?" He asked. I shook my head no and made him something to drink. I place the cup in front of him. He giggled.

"You know....I stopped at the drugstore on my way home to get you some chocolates and ran into our neighbor, Ann. That old bitch said she saw you at the store today buying a big TV. She wanted to know if we were hosting the Super Bowl this year."

He laughed even more now.

"I said to myself. This lady is crazy for thinking that MY wife would be just out and about buying expensive things without my approval" He glared at me and continued his rant. "But then I thought, how could she afford to buy something like that? There were no charges on the cards? No money taken out of the accounts? You know Bianca, it just doesn't add up. Where did you get the money to buy a tv?" He asked but it was more demanding. I took a big gulp and had to think of something quick. I'll take the beating for this but if he finds out what I done and that there were men in this house then he would surely kill me.

"Baby I didn't even buy the TV. I just wanted to price it and it turned out to be way more expensive than the price tag so I ended up putting it back." I stated and nervously waited. He looked at me for a while. Studying my face and the bullshit that just came out of my mouth.
"If you're going to go to the store and think about buying something that big with money that's in my name then I want to know about it. And if I have to hear about your little adventures from other people other than my wife ever again, believe me, you won't be able to go to the stores anymore." He spat angrily. He looked at me once more as if to say get out of his sight. I walked away hastily and went upstairs to take a shower. I was nearly hyperventilating. I can't believe he believed me but I have to be more careful.

I was almost done washing my body when the bathroom door opened. Nick was standing there with a towel around his waste. He opened the shower door and stepped inside. I stared at him blankly. He came in to kiss me but I flinched back. He stared at me before speaking.

"I haven't touched you in a week. You are my wife. I should be able to have sex with you whenever I please." He stated.

"Nicky please. Im tired." I gave him the excuse. I wasn't tired physically but I sure was tired of him. It was like when he kissed me and when we had sex, I think about all the other women that I share him with. It makes my skin crawl.

He grabbed my wrist roughly and pushed me again the shower wall. "I don't care if you're tired. I want you and I want you now" he hungrily said kissing my shoulder blade.

"Please stop. Why don't you just call someone else for this" I let it slip out and regretted it afterwards. He studied me for a minute.

"I married you for a reason. I still love you Bianca. I want to come home to you everyday not them. They're just play toys. I know it hurts you but wouldn't you rather me be honest? Isn't it better this way?" He asked and I stayed silent. "Look im sorry. I'll cut them all off if it makes you happy. But right now I want to fuck my wife." He simply stated while pushing me back against the wall, lifting my leg.

"Nick I said no!" I yelled.
"Shut your mouth" he glared at me covering my mouth with his big hand. He pounded into me so fast I couldn't stand the pain.
"Oh baby you feel so good"
"Those bitches are nothing like you. Ugh" he kept going and I just cried silently into his hand. Unable to make a sound.

Eventually he finished, leaving me alone in the shower. I sunk to the floor and cried. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I almost got away from him for good but that stupid stranger had to take it away from me.

I stayed in the shower trying to rinse any trace of Nicholas off of me. I sighed seeing the bruises on my wrist start to form.

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