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"I asked you a question." Nick said dangerously low.

I stood there looking at my feet, not knowing what to say to get this bear to back down. I was out of lies.

"I come back for my wallet and you're no where to be found......And what are you wearing?? You walked out of my house like this?"
He got up from the chair coming close to me. He touched the fabric of my skirt, rubbing it between his fingers. His eyes traveled up to mine. They burned through my soul.

"Nick I just met a friend Lily at the store and we went to see a movie." I lied. I was sweating by this point. Praying he would believe the garbage that just came out of my mouth.

"Oh really. Lily? I've never met her before. What movie did you guys go see??" He pestered.

"The-the new one that just came out. R-Road Runner." I stuttered. "Yeah it was pretty good"

He stood there. Towering over me. I could feel the heat from his body and it was making me hot.

I looked up at him waiting for a response.

"You think I don't smell the alcohol coming from that lying mouth of yours?" I gulped. I forgot I had been drinking.

"It's not what you think. We just had a few drinks before going to see the movie. Relax baby." I said putting a hand on his chest to relax him.

He grabbed my wrist hard pulling me towards him. Squeezing it as if to get me to break and tell the truth. I stood my ground.

"I got out of town and the first thing you do is leave this house looking like that and go drinking with some friend I've never even met? You know you're not even allowed to have friends. Bitches always get too nosey and start asking too many questions." He said annoyed at the thought.

"Nick I barely do anything fun. You go out and have sex with all these women and call it 'work' while I sit and slave at home. I wanted to go out and feel sexy for once. Yes I had a few drinks so what. I deserve it! I deserve to enjoy myself too!" I argued.

He gripped my wrist tighter. I gasped at the pain.

"You're lucky I have to go. If you pull something like this ever again you're going to be sorry. Now don't ever again in your life leave this house without telling me. You are mine and mine only. You don't want anyone out there getting the wrong idea about you. Now go put some damn clothes on" He glared at me, finally letting go of my wrist.

"Okay" I answered just above a whisper.
"Good." He kissed my cheek walking out the front door.

I rolled my eyes. How much longer could I endure this? Can't wear the clothes I want, can't go where I want when I want. Can't even get tipsy for gods sake. Im 22 years old and I feel so old sometimes. Nick can't keep doing this to me.

I watched his car pull away from the house and headed upstairs. I took my clothes off and took a shower, rubbing my wrist where there was a deep purple bruise forming.

I was in deep thought as I sat on our king sized bed in my towel. I couldn't help but think Nick was keeping Cason away from me on purpose. To control me. To get me to listen. There was 1 more week left until he would return home from my mother in laws and I still hadn't come up with the money I needed.

I should have gone back to the bar and did as I was told. Now im afraid Rio will no longer cut me in. I went to sleep in deep thought.

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