1st exchange

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*2 days later*
I returned the tv and got all of the money back. Clean money of course. I reached into my own wallet and took out a single dollar bill. Adding it to the 4999 others that I held.
"There" I said to myself. I can't believe I just washed half a million dollars. All by myself. I was proud yet ashamed. Im not a criminal but I'll do anything to get these guys off my back.

Nicks mom had called and wanted to take Cason for 2 weeks to spend time with him. I was reluctant at first because the beatings are worse when he is gone but I agreed. I had the house to myself for now.

I decided to have a drink. Something I rarely do and haven't done since I had gotten pregnant. I went to the sink to pop a bottle of wine when I could see the outline of a figure in my backyard. I paused. I grabbed a knife from the drawer and headed outside.

"Who are you? And why are you here?!" I asked nervously holding the knife towards them. The figure stepped forward into the moonlight so I could see their face.

"It's just me darlin. Damn put the knife down. This isn't a movie" the head gang member said.

I took a deep breath. "You can't just show up in my backyard. That's creepy and weird. I could've killed you"

"Yeah I doubt that, but back to business. Where is my money?" He asked.

"I have it. Hold on." I walked back into the house into the laundry room to retrieve a hidden duffel bag full of clean money. I took it back outside and threw it at his feet.

He looked up at me and opened the bag. He shifts his hands through it looking at it and studying it.

"It's all there" I reassured him.
"How did you do this?" He asked.
"You told me you would hurt my son. I washed your dirty money and now it's over. Okay? That was the deal. Please don't come near my family again" I stared at him to make sure he knew that I meant it.

"Hmm...okay mama." He picked up the bag and looked at me for a while. I felt a bit insecure under his gaze. I didn't know what or why he was looking at me in that way. I guess he didn't think I could really do it. It was almost as if he was disappointed that I was able to complete his task. He probably wanted to kill me and thought I would fail.

He was about to walk off but turned around and asked me a certain intriguing question.

"You said you needed the money. What was it for?"

I stood there unsure of what to say. Do I tell this stranger that my husband beats my ass and im trying to run away with his kid? Nope. That's too much information he doesn't need to know. I spoke up breaking the silence.

"Uh you were right. Just some stupid vacation and designer things that I didn't need." I lied. I was horrible at lying and the only one who seemed to fall for it sometimes was Nick.

He looked at me studying my face again. His eyes trailed down to my body. I shifted uncomfortably. He furrowed his eyebrows together as if trying to make sense of my normal clothes and style with what I had just implied.

"Whatever you say" he stated walking away.
"Wait!" I hurriedly said. Wtf was I doing? Why was I holding this stranger here any longer than he needed to be?
He turned around looking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Wh-whats your name?" I questioned.
He smiled. His smile was gorgeous but also sincere. It gave me butterflies. Why was I thinking this way.

"Rio." And with that he disappeared from my sight.

I sighed and headed back into the house. I drank my wine trying to get as drunk as possible for a beating I was surely getting.

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