A ride home

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Rio scanned me up and down with his eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I didn't know you got out much" he stated.
"Im not some boring prisoner you know. I have a life outside of being a mom and wife" I stated.

He shifted his position. He was a little annoyed at the word wife.

"You're drunk, Bianca" he assessed.
"Actually Im not but thank you for your concern. And stop using my name like you know me or something." I stumbled with the keys again finally opening my car door and stepping inside. I closed the door and started the engine.

Rio sighed and yanked my door open.
"Turn off the engine." He ordered.
"What? Excuse you? I neeeeeed to go hooome" I whined. I was really drunk but I won't admit that. I didn't need him driving me home or trying to hold another thing over me that I would somehow have to repay.

"You're not going to make it home like this." He said. He leaned in my car slowly coming close to my face. I could feel his breath on my lips. He looked me deep in my eyes searching for something. I was snapped out of the trance when he shut my car off, exiting the vehicle and taking my keys with him.

"Hey! What are you doing? I need those. How am I going to get home?" I stood there with my arms crossed.

"I'll drive you. Come on." He stated.
"Um no thanks. I'd rather not. Someone who just held a gun to my head no more than a month ago wants me to get into his car? You can forget about it." I stood there firm on my decision. He stared at me.

"I wasn't asking you." He made it clear
"Well I don't care, you think because i made the mistake from stealing from you that you own me forever? I did what you asked but im a big girl who can make her own decisions" I didn't move.
"Oh you're a big girl, yeah? Lets see, is this the same big girl that got drunk knowing she drove here by herself and would have to drive herself back. That's what big girls do huh?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I honestly don't even know why you give a shit about what I do and where i am." I slurred. I had never spoke to someone in this way. I knew I would regret it later but I think all my aggression towards Nick was being aimed at Rio right now but I couldn't stop.

"You're stubborn. But you see, with me, when I ask you to do something, im only going to ask you once. So Bianca, please get into my car so I can drive your drunk ass home." He said calmly but assertive.
"NoooO" I teased.
He sighed and picked me up subtly. Throwing me over his shoulder. I was kicking and hitting his back with my fists.
"Rio put me down! I am not a child and I don't need your help! I'd rather walk than get into a car with you!" I yelled.

"Oh is that right? Ok then." He put me down.
"Go ahead and walk" he stated. I looked around. It was night time and things had looked different than when I arrived during the day. The streets were dark and shady people lurked around the corners. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Yeah I didn't think so." Rio replied. "Now get in the car"

He opened the door to his all black on black G wagon. I slipped into the passenger seat taking in the smell of the vehicle. He got into the drivers seat and looked at me. "Put your seatbelt on"

I did as I was told. About 20min went by of silence and driving. I was looking out of the window thinking about how I wish things were different.

"So where's the baby?" Rio spoke up.
"Hmm? Oh he's with his grandmother for a few weeks." I slurred. I immediately wanted to punch myself. Im telling someone who just threatened me and Carson about where he was. Maybe this was why he wanted to drive me home? To get information out of me. I knew he wasn't going to let me go.

"Bianca..." he started "I want you to come work for me."

I was drunk, but I wasn't that drunk. My eyes widened and I sat up looking at him. I searched his eyes to see if he really meant it.

"You're serious?" I asked
"I wouldn't of brought it up if I wasn't." He simply stated.
"But why?" I was curious
"You cleaned the largest amount of cash I had ever seen anybody other than me do. And without a peep. You delivered and you delivered on time. You're smart. I need people like you in the business" he said glancing over at me then back at the road.

"I-I don't know. It's illegal and dangerous" I admitted. He chuckled. I shot him a look.

"You robbed a jewelry store with a fake gun, stole cash and diamonds and you're telling me this is illegal and dangerous? Babygirl, you've already broken the law. This is just a safer way to get you that money you need" he said.

"But I told you I don't need the money anymore. I told you it was for stupid stuff...really." I said trying to convince myself more than him.

He studied me for a minute. "I know you need that money. And whatever it's for is not dumb. You wouldn't risk going to jail and being away from your kid for designer clothes and vacations. Nah, you're smarter than that." He shook his head and kept driving.

I stayed silent. He was right. I desperately needed the money and there was no other way of me getting it.

"Just think about it, yeah?" Rio said and kept driving.

"I'll do it" I hurriedly stated.

"Don't just say yes just because. Think of everything you will lose if this comes falling down. Think of the things you'll have to sacrifice. Really think this through because once you're in you can't go back. Understood?" He pulled up to my driveway, putting the car in park to face me. I thought for a second.

"I understand." I sighed.

He held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at it hesitantly but reached my hand to meet his. We shook on it. I went to pull my hand away but he held it softly.

"I'll have someone drop your car off to you by 5am." He started, "oh and Bianca?"

"Yeah?" I furrowed my brows together to await what he would say next.

"I like your hair like this." He reach his hand to my face and tucked a piece of my long brown hair behind my ear. I was blushing hard but I couldn't show it. I didn't say anything as I exited the vehicle. I walked up to my empty house and stumbled inside. I took a shower and headed straight to bed to sleep off this hangover. I tried to sleep but all I could think about was Rio.

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