M O N A C O / C H A R L O T T E

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When the couple got to the gas station, Fox took over driving. She was happy to be behind the wheel again. Her eyes lit up at all the scenery that she passed by and all the sights that she took in. She listened to the music that played, some of it was not her taste, but she didn't mind. Driving kept her mind off her phone, she might not have seemed it to the world, but she was a safe driver and would never use her phone whilst driving.

"So, we have a few hours to use since we're making good time," Lando said, getting Fox's attention. She glanced at him for a second before returning her eyes to the road. "I think we deserve a treat, and I know the best place to go."

Fox raised an eyebrow; she didn't know what his version of a treat was. For herself, she would like to drop in somewhere that either had a spa or somewhere with some loud music and dancing. Glancing at Lando in the mirror, she wondered what he might do in his spare time. It became more and more obvious to the young woman that she didn't know much about him. 

"And where exactly is it?" She asked in a wary voice as she stared at the road again. 

Lando let out a chuckle, "Don't worry, I'll just direct you."

Fox nodded, "Okay. So, what is it?"

"Trust me, it's going to be worth it." He turned to his phone leaving Fox to ponder what he meant by it. 

She knew they had many hours before they had to get to their destination. Even if they arrived late, the instructions would be left at the hotel for them. The blonde kept her eyes on the road, only taking certain roads when instructed to. The two of them happily listened to music for the next few hours as they drove along. During the drive, Fox had answered a few questions about herself and she also found out a few random things about the lad she had to share a car with. 


Fox had been driving for what felt like forever. When Lando finally directed her to a place to park, she parked the car up before turning it off. Taking a deep breath, she smiled as she looked around. "So, what's the plan?"

Lando opened the door and got out the car, Fox followed after grabbing her over the shoulder bag, before locking his car and holding the keys in her hand. "I have a friend here, I thought we could get some food and then I wanted to show you something afterwards."

She gave him a small nod, "Okay. Lead the way." He smiled at her, the two of them walked side by side, Lando turning towards a private housing complex. "Your friend lives here?" Fox couldn't help but gawp at the homes behind the private gates. There seemed to be a couple of apartment complexes and several private homes. She looked back Lando who just grinned at her before getting his phone from his pocket and typing away on it. 

Monaco was such a beautiful place. Fox couldn't help but look around the area as they waited, she wasn't sure what she looked like but she knew she was in awe of everything she could see. 


Looking at the blonde, he smiled to himself. He wondered if she had ever been to a place before and just enjoyed the views like she was right now. Her reaction to where Charles lived was one of surprise, he was confused given her lifestyle and her parentage. Checking his phone, he looked up and saw Charles approaching alongside his girlfriend, Charlotte. 

"Hey," Charles grinned as he got closer, punching his number into the gate before it opened. 

Lando smiled, "Alright?" He looked at Charlotte, "Nice to see you again." He turned his head to look at Fox who awkwardly stood there and looked at the two people in front of her. "Fox, this is my friends, Charles and Charlotte. This is Fox, Fox Cooper."

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara