F A T H E R / M O T H E R

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 F O X C O O P E R

"Fox," Maximillion stood up in the living room as he stared at his daughter who was clutching her head trying to block out all the loud sounds around her. "Seriously, I've had it up to here with you," he put his hand up near his head. "Fox, are you even listening?"

The young blonde slowly moved her head, she managed to look through his squinting eyes at her father. "Yes," she muttered as she pulled her hair over her eyes shielding herself from the bright lights. 

"As far as it goes, it looks like I have two choices when I come to you," Fox's father snapped as he watched her. He was disgusted with her behaviour, partying every night, staying out late and coming in at all hours steaming drunk making so much noise before spending the next day complaining about her hangover. "I can either send you home to your mother," he said getting the attention of his daughter, her eyes opening wide as she pushed her hair away from her face. 

"What?" She questioned him almost disbelieving what he was saying. "Dad, I am not going back to mums. You can't make me."

Maximillion smiled to himself as he listened to his daughter's begging. He would only send her home if it was the very last resort knowing that returning back to his mother's wouldn't give her the life she wanted. "Then you're doing Gumball this year."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Fox managed to pull herself up sitting straight. "Gumball? Dad, I can't do that. I'm not travelling with you for a week!" Her voice was rising with each word as she battled with her father. "Please, Dad?"

He had not thought about the fact he'd have to spend a week with his daughter in his car which might feel smaller and smaller with each passing day. "Not with me," he told her as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I have a friend coming alone who had his co-driver bailout," Maximillion looked at his daughter as he went to put the nail in the coffin. "So, you'll be paired with him. You are also going to be paying the fee to join."

Fox groaned loudly as she stood up so she shook her head, she wanted to protest but she knew her day would not back down. Balling her fists at her sides, she let out a small scream as she shook. "This is so unfair!" The way she spoke reminded her father that this was good for her. 

Maximillion had always tried to give his daughter the best of everything but he'd spoilt her. "You will follow the rules like every other person who signed up and paid the fees."

"Dad!" She whined as she looked at him, "Please!" 

"I'm done with your behaviour, Fox. You will do this," her father snapped as he watched her as she rubbed her hands on the sides of her thighs. "We leave on Monday morning. To make you really appreciate everything, you're going to your mother's tonight."

Her eyes widened as she shook her head, "You can't make me."

"You are already losing nearly sixty grand from your trust fund, Fox. You are in no position to be arguing with me." 

Fox's nose twitched before she flounced out of the room like the spoilt young woman she was. 

She headed to her bedroom where she slammed her door shut before dramatically falling onto her bed. She might not have been able to stop the events that were going to happen but she was going to make sure she made them as difficult as possible for everyone else. 


When her father dropped her off at her mother's house, Fox awkwardly knocked on the door waiting for it to be opened. When her mother pulled the door open, Fox looked as the woman before her, smiled widely and warmly. Fox gave her a quick smile, "Hi."

"It's lovely to see you," her mother said as she moved aside and let her eldest daughter into her room. Michelle and Maximillion shared only one child, Fox. They broke up when Fox was young, Michelle had Fox with her until her daughter turned eight, then Fox went to live with her father and his new family. 

Fox entered the small house that belonged to her mother. She carried her bag on her shoulder as she looked around the living room, her nose turning up at the mess that was scattered around the floor and the high piles of stuff everywhere. Fox knew her mother had a problem but she tried to ignore it, choosing to remind herself that she was only here for one night. 

"I'm just going to put my bag in my room," the blonde told her mother before heading towards the cramped stairs. 

Michelle watched as her daughter struggled up the stairs, weaving in and out of the piles of stuff that clogged up the walkway. 

Fox got to the yellow door of her bedroom, she opened the door before she gasped at the sight in front of her. The bedroom which was once perfect had been made into another dumping ground, the bed nowhere to be seen as clothes laid across every inch of it. On the floor, the boxes and bags were piled as high as the bed. 

She closed the door and back away from the room before she heard a creak on the stairs, turning her head she looked at her mother who was now at the top of the stairs and looking at her. "Where am I supposed to stay? I can't sleep here."

Michelle looked at her daughter, she wished she could make her illness go away but it seemed to get worse every day. She wanted to choose Fox over her hoarding but she was never here, not seeing her as often as she liked made it difficult for Michelle. She didn't get to see her youngest child at all, the father choosing to keep her son from her and not wanting him to feel the disappointment Fox did when she visited. 

"We can make you somewhere to sleep in the living room," Michelle assured her daughter. 

Fox sighed as she shook her head, "No. It's not safe here. I'm going home," she walked passed her mother and made her way down the stairs taking extra care to avoid slipping. "I'm going to call my dad."

Her mother followed her down the stairs as she took a deep breath. She was in no position to argue with her daughter, her home was not safe for Fox to stay in, it was barely safe enough for herself. "Please, Fox, you can't tell your dad about this," Michelle begged her daughter as she watched Fox get her phone out. 

Turning her head, Fox looked at her mother. She couldn't tell her dad because he would only think she was making up an excuse. He would not come back to get her and she'd be in a whole lot more trouble. "Fine," Fox said as she put her phone into her pocket. "I'll just go to a friend's house."

Michelle nodded, "Thank you. Thank you, Fox."

"You can't keep doing this," Fox told her mother coldly before she left her home. She did not want to spend another second in that house is she didn't have to. 

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