S M A L L / T H I N G S

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Time was running out for the couple. There was no more evening together and Fox knew this didn't include a hotel. Last night was the big one, this was the final stretch to the last destination. Once she was there, she didn't know what was going to happen. There would be no real reason for herself and Lando to share a hotel room without letting the world know what was happening between them. If she was honest with herself, she didn't really know what was happening between them. They had not talked about it, as it was right now, they had been all sweet, cute, innocent and now they'd had sex it was different. 

Leaving the bathroom, Fox pulled her wet hair into a high ponytail as she looked over at Lando who sat on the bed. "Are you ready?" She asked him as she walked towards her bag and grabbed it. 

He looked over at her, "Yeah. I do wanna grab something to eat before we leave, I'm starving." 

Nodding, she slung her bag over her right shoulder. "Sure," she walked back and picked up her phone from the side and checked it again. Since she'd swiped her notification earlier, she'd received more messages. Furrowing her brow, she opened her phone before opening a message that Alicia had sent her. 

aluffy - you've been a busy girl again

As Fox scrolled down, she saw a link to a news article from a random website. She looked up at Lando before locking her phone, she would check it later, this moment in time was more important right now. 

"Lets go then," Fox grinned as she walked back towards Lando. 

The two left the hotel room, her arm brushed against his as they walked towards the lift together. They walked in silence, choosing to sneak little smiles at each other every few seconds before they got into the lift. Once the doors shut, they both stared at each other as they stood together. Their hands brushed, both of them moving their fingers before their hands linked. 

"Are you excited to get back to racing?" Fox asked Lando as she tried to fill the silence. The silence wasn't awkward, but she honestly wanted to know what he was thinking. She loved nothing more than hearing his voice and seeing the smile that laced his lips. 

Lando sucked in his bottom lip as he thought about returning to racing. Fox watched and waited for his answer, she wondered what he was thinking. "For sure," he said with a smile. She noticed how his face lit up at the thought of his job. Fox felt him squeeze her hand before he spoke again. "But I wouldn't change a thing about this week."

Inside her stomach, Fox felt the butterflies flutter. There was something about the way he looked at her which made her feel like nothing else was happening in the world. "I've really-" she was quick to fall silent as the lift stopped. Instinctively they both let go of each other's hands just as the doors opened. 

Fox watched as her father and Eve came into view with the doors finally opening. "You're leaving late," Maximillion said as he looked between the two young people, stepping into the lift with them, Eve at his side. 

"We're just gonna take it easy," Fox told him as she shrugged her shoulders. She watched as Eve held her father's hand, their hands meeting and gripping each other's with no cares about who was watching. There was a small pang that rippled through Fox, she looked away and down at the ground, she wished it was like that for herself and Lando. She glanced up at him, their eyes met and Fox blushed a little as she realized she'd been caught looking at him. Her eyes returned to the silver metal of the lift floor, hoping that her father hadn't noticed the small interaction. 

Eve looked between the two young people before smiling to herself, she'd noticed the way Fox looked at Lando. 

The lift started to go down, Fox could feel it under her feet. Leaning against the mirrored wall, she looked up at her father who was looking in her direction. "I hope this trip has helped you," he said softly to his eldest daughter. "I know it's not how you would have chosen to spend your week, Fox."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I've enjoyed it." Fox was truthful in her response, she eyed Lando for a second before returning her gaze to her father. "This week has flown by."

Maximillion chuckled as he glanced at Eve before exchanged a look with her. He looked back to his daughter, "Hopefully this week has taught you a few things." 

Fox pursed her lips together as she thought about her father's words. He would not realise just how much this week had changed her. She nodded at him, "It's been very different than how I imagined." She was honest as she spoke. 

The lift began to slow and when the doors opened, all four of them left the lift quickly. Fox exchanged a smile with her father before he and Eve headed to the reception area after saying their goodbyes. 

The two young people walked towards the restaurant area, Fox kept her eyes trained forward as she walked hoping to remain calm and collected. Inside she was riddled with anxiety as she thought about this being the last long stretch before returning to her normal. She didn't want to go home, not back to the life she had before. Fox wanted more than what she'd had, she knew she could do more with her life than she had before. 

Going out and partying most nights was fun but even that was starting to sound boring in her mind. There was much more of an adventure out in the world, Fox had barely scratched the surface choosing to waste her time. She was too busy  thinking about what she could do with her life that she just sat by the window and stared out at all the cars. 

"Fox," she heard her name being spoken. 

Turning her head and blinking a few times, she smiled as Roman's face looked down at her. "Hey," she managed in a small voice.

"When are you leaving?" He asked her as he sat in the chair opposite her. 

Fox looked over at Lando who was making himself a drink before she looked back at Roman, "It won't be long. Lando needed to refuel."

Roman looked her up and down before he laughed, "And you? What were you thinking about? I know that look."

She sighed as she looked down at her hands on the table, "Do you ever think there is more to life than what you know?" She shrugged her shoulders as she looked back up at Roman, "I've wasted so much time just being me." 

He chuckled at her words, "Being that version of yourself is what is helping you realise you want more. If you want change Fox, you are the only person who can do that. Don't let that opportunity slip away from you though."

Glancing back at Lando, she couldn't help but smile. When she was with him she knew there was so much more than her old way of life. When she was with him, she felt something she had never felt before but she just couldn't put her finger on it. 

Roman watched the young blonde who he'd been friends with for a while. He might have met her on a night out but she had always been open with him. "I'm guessing there is more than just you thinking about it," he said as she looked back in his direction. She raised her eyebrows as she tried to work out what he meant. "I can see spending time with him has had an affect on you."

She looked back out the window as she thought about his words. "I like him," she admitted. "I really like him," her voice sounded dreamy as she said it. She looked down at her hands, Roman noticed the look on her face was now sad. 

"So, what's the problem?" 

"I'm scared," Fox admitted quietly. "What if this is all we will ever have in common?" She felt like she had been in a beautiful bubble where everything felt perfect but talking about it, the truth was popping the bubble. Slowly she felt like she was falling into a lake of anxiety, somewhere she could easily drown in her own self doubt. 

Roman looked away from her, he didn't know how to convince the blonde she was worth more than she thought. He knew when someone was that deep in their own issues then it was hard to drag them from those feelings. His eyes wandered over to Lando who was holding a mug of coffee and smiling as he spoke to his own driving partner, Lewis. "You have just over 24 hours to find out if there is more than this," he told her as he looked back at her. "Don't waste time overthinking everything. You are beautiful, kind, smart and funny. If it's meant to be, it will be, trust me."

Her head turned away from her friend and looked at Lando who was now looking in her direction. Their eyes met and he gave her his cute cheesy grin which she loved to see. 

  Her hands were clammy but she ignored it. In her mind she had an idea of what she would do if she had the confidence. Sending him a small smile back, Fox felt her insides turn and the butterflies flutter against her skin. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now