H A R D / D E C I S I O N S

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When Lando stopped the car in a service station, it jolted the blonde as he braked harshly. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the brightness of the sun that was still in the skies. Lando unplugged the belt before he reached into the back of the car for his jacket. "Do you want anything?" He asked Fox; he wondered if she was going to speak and actually make some conversation with him this time. 

The blonde looked at him before she sighed, "Sure. I've gotta go toilet anyway," she spoke quickly as she took her belt off and reached down to grab her bag. 

Lando got out of his car; he waited as she finally got out of the car before he locked it. The two of them walked towards the service station together; he knew he had to go to the toilet before they hit Southampton where they would be getting the ferry in approximately an hour. 

"Wait," Fox said as she stopped at the doorway of the services then looked down at her watch. "It's taken us an hour to get here." She shook her head as she looked at Lando, who felt like she was suddenly judging him heavily. 

"The traffic was horrendous," Lando explained as he continued to walk. 

He didn't wait for the young woman to catch up with him. It hadn't been long since they got out of central London before she fell asleep, he knew she was from her light breathing and closed eyes. He didn't dare wake her before she had stepped into his vehicle he noticed she didn't seem best pleased. 

Lando headed to the toilets before he ordered himself a large coffee from a well-known brand. He debated wherever or not to get food but decided he might as well just wait. He opted to grab some mints and gum to keep him occupied on the way to the ferry. When he returned to his car, he noticed Fox had not returned yet. 

Climbing into his car, he set himself up so he could drive off whenever she returned. 

His eyes glanced at the clock, making a mental note of the time before he strapped himself in. Surely she wouldn't be too long; she couldn't need to get too much from the services, there was not much in there. 

After five minutes, she returned. He watched her as she got into the car; she didn't acknowledge how long she had been. Fox closed the door as Lando slightly rolled his eyes before starting the car up again and moving away. He had to make up the time to get booked onto that ferry before it was too late. He didn't fancy not being the only one who didn't manage to get on that ferry and having to wait another hour. 


Fox checked her phone as Lando drove. There did not seem to be any communication from any of her friends. This disappointed her; now she knew something was up. No one ignored her for this long. 

As she looked out the window, she didn't know what to do. Should she call someone and see what was happening? Maybe there was a good reason that she'd not heard from anyone. Maybe everyone was at work, maybe there was a party. Fox closed her eyes as she breathed through it calming herself down, she was just over thinking everything. 

Looking at her phone one last time, she powered it down making the decision to not spend her whole time away worrying about her friends. If they wanted to talk to her, they could do it on her time now. This trip was usually a once in a life time thing for most people, she was going to enjoy it even if she was with a stranger. 

She put her phone into her bag before zipping it into a compartment out of the way. Sitting back in her seat, she held her coffee close to her as she smelt the caramel from it. 

"How come you got stuck with me then?" Fox asked the young lad who was driving. 

Fox smiled to her as she watched him jump a little at her words. She knew she'd not been the best passenger so far, thinking only of herself and no one else. 

Lando glanced at her for a second. Fox was staring at him waiting for him to speak as she sipped her coffee, "So?"

"My friend was supposed to come with me," Lando told her as she placed her coffee down next to his in the holders. "Alex pulled out though, he's got this girlfriend and he didn't want to be away from her for her birthday."

Fox scoffed as she listened before she let out a laugh. "I take it you mean Alex Albon?" She questioned him as she ran her fingers through her blonde locks smoothing them. 

Lando nodded, "Yeah. That idiot."

She couldn't help but laugh as his words. "So, you're telling me he can handle being away from her for the rest of the year," Fox rolled her eyes as she spoke. "But because it's her birthday, he just can't do it."

"That's how it is," Lando answered as Fox thought about the situation. 

Fox shrugged her shoulders, "His loss." She smiled to herself, it seemed that Lando was easy enough to talk to, she just needed to break the ice a little more. "Where's our first stop?" She asked him as she tried to take an interest in where they were going. 

She might have been the daughter of Maximillion, but she had not listened to a thing that her father had said. 

"Grab my jacket from the back seat," he told her as he kept his eyes on the road. "The card is in there," he said as she grabbed it. 

When she found the card, she was not surprised at the first stop her dad had chosen. "Looks like we are going to Le Mans," Fox announced as she looked at the information regarding where they were staying and rooms. "Exciting stuff," she smiled to herself as she thought about what awaited her in Le Mans.

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