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The smile on Fox's face was infectious, the grip on his hand was tight but was all enough for him to trust her and follow her. Lando and Fox exchanged a smile before Fox took the lead. "Don't bail on me," she told him in a playful voice but behind that, there was a hint of vulnerability. 

Lando squeezed her hand as they stood beside each other. "Let's just do this," he put his best confident voice on. He had to admit to himself that he was nervous, but he wasn't going to let Fox know. He stripped his jacket off, throwing it under the car before returning to Fox, taking her hand again before they both silently agreed with a nod to go ahead. 

Together, they moved towards the edge, picking speed up as they ran towards it. When his feet left the ground, jumping over the edge, Lando felt a rush as the anxiety hit him all at once. He couldn't believe he was doing this, it was absolutely exhilarating. For a second, he caught a glimpse of Fox. She was absolutely perfect, the look on her face was joyous and he could tell that for a moment she was just herself. 

When they hit the water, Lando's grip on Fox came away but he was too focused for a moment on finding the surface as he felt the water over his body. As he found air again, he looked around for Fox but she was still under the water. A few long seconds passed before she emerged, her blonde hair was slicked back and her eyeliner was a little smudged under her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"That was amazing!" She was full of life as she moved towards him in the water, her hands resting on his shoulders as she looked into his eyes. Lando noticed the look in her eye, the glint the sun had from the ocean on her. 

His eyes looked down at her lips, a subtle glance before looking back to her eyes. 

"Lando," she spoke in a quiet whisper as she mimicked his actions with her eyes. He reached up, his fingers wiping away the smudged makeup before he leaned close. In the cold water, the two of them shared a passionate kiss, their hands holding each other close. Neither could feel the chill of the water, only the heat between them. 


The day passed quickly, as the night drew in, the two young people decided to stop for dinner. Fox got out the car, running her fingers through her stiff blonde hair, the water from the cliff edge ruining the smoothness of her hair. She winced at the pain when she hit a knot but smiled when she noticed Lando looking at her. 

"What?" She had a large grin on her face as she looked in his direction. She loved the feeling that built inside of her whenever he looked at her like that, like she was only person in the world, like there was nothing else joyous in his life. 

Lando walked over to her, the lights from the restaurant flickering over his face as he approached. "Just your face," he winked at her before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She didn't realise that she needed his arms around her that much until he did it. He was the comfort she'd been craving, the one thing that had changed her. She felt a kiss being placed on top of her head, this only brought a smile to her lips. "Come on," he pulled back and looked down at Fox. Seeing the way he looked at her, Fox felt like her insides were melting. 

Placing her hand in his, the two of them walked towards the waiting restaurant. She peeked over at him, there was a smile on his face and a casual look about him. If there was any way she could remain by his side, she wanted to take it. 

Opening her mouth to speak to him as they stood at the restaurant's lobby, she was stopped in her tracks when a waiter came to seat them. She barely listened to the conversation between Lando and the man in the restaurant, she let Lando lead the way and towards the table. Once they were seated, there seemed to be little things stopping her from speaking, the menu, the waiter and what seemed to be prying eyes. 

She knew Lando was loved by many, a famous Formula One driver who seemed down to earth, why wouldn't the fans love him? 

"Fox," she heard him say his name, she looked up at him, smiling at him. "You seem distracted, what's going on?"

The blonde made her smile wider acting as if everything was fine. "I'm good," she lied before glancing towards the waiter who was approaching them with their drinks. She halted her voice as the man put their drinks on the table. 

"Sorry to bother you," the man said as he looked at Lando. "Is there any chance of a photo together, please?"

Nodding his head, Lando got to his feet before posing casually for the selfie the man began to take.

There was just more proof for Fox that Lando was just too good. He was perfect, polite and all round, a lovely guy. She watched as Lando and the waiter took photos together, almost like she wasn't there, a minute passed before Lando looked at her and smiled. "Are you listening?"

She laughed, "Sorry, I was daydreaming." 

"You okay with having your photo taken too?" Lando asked as he looked down at her with a hopefully look. 

Fox furrowed her brow as she thought about what he had just said. Nodding, she stood up and walked around, Lando stood in the middle putting his arm around her, pulling her towards him. As the waiter took the photo, she smiled for the camera, before the waiter turned to them both. "Thank you so much," he said in a gushing voice. "My friends are going to be so jealous."

Returning to their seats, Lando reached across and took Fox's hand, their fingers linked through each others as she smiled. "You know that's going to be all over the web very shortly," he said with a glint in his eye. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Oh the perks of being famous," Fox laughs. "I'm sure it isn't the first picture of us that will make it online." She tried to play it off like it was okay but inside she knew it wasn't. Her name in headlines was not something she needed. She'd been involved in so many scandals when it came to famous men, her name was trouble when paired with someone else. 

Lando shrugged at her comment, "It doesn't matter. People will talk either way." 

Smiling as she looked at him, Fox realised for a moment that she didn't care what others thought. She only wanted to be happy. This was her happiness.

 This was her happiness

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