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Fox laid in Lando's arms, her lips still curled in a smile as she recounted the moments that had just shared in her head. Her breathing was steady as she listened to Lando's breathing, she looked over at him, his eyes were shut and his breathing was steady. The blonde wondered how long this would last, their happiness. Fox only wanted to be happy, something she had truly been searching for for so long. 

"I hope this never ends," she whispered as she stared at him. 

She didn't know if he could hear her, she didn't care if he did. 

Snuggling closer to him, Fox laid her hand on his bare chest next to her head. She listened to his heart beating under her, the sound comforting and soothing. It was all interrupted when she heard a slight vibrating in the room, moving from his arms, Fox followed the sounds until she got to her phone. She had missed a call, opening her phone, she saw it was from her father. Reaching for her shirt, she pulled it over her head as she crept out of Lando's room and rang her father back. 

"Hello?" She said quietly as she walked down the stairs.

She could hear her father's breathing before he spoke, "Fox? Where are you?"

"I told you," the blonde went into the kitchen, looking out of the large patio doors to the open garden. "I'm going with Lando."

"What do you mean you're going with Lando? Where are you going?"

She put her head on the glass, the coldness seeping through her skin. "I'm going to Baku. I just need some time away from here, from my life back home."

Maximillion let out a sigh, "Running away from your problems isn't going to help? You need to face things head on."

Fox stood up straight. She felt a calmness wash over her as she smiled to herself. "Dad," she spoke freely as she leaned on the kitchen island behind her. "For the first time in a long time, I feel happy. I don't want to be any where but here, being with Lando makes me feel free." The blonde caught a glimpse of her reflection, she tilted her head as she saw how much skin she exposed, but she didn't shy away or hide. "I'm not running, I'm not hiding."

"He truly makes you happy?"

"More than anything," she looked down at her bare legs before she looked back up and into the garden. "My problems at home are not really problems, they are distractions. Being close to Lando makes me realise there is much more to my life."

"You make me so proud, Fox." Maximillion told her young daughter. "Gumball was never meant to be a punishment, it was a way for you to find the real you, it sounds like you've achieved that."

Fox laughed as she nodded, she was the only person who could see it but she felt peace hearing those words from her father. "Thank you," the words left her lips. She was grateful for the opportunity, one she didn't want but took anyway. "I have to go," she said as she felt a yawn rising before letting it out. "I'm so tired."

"Sleep well," Maximillion spoke before they ended their call. 

Looking out the window, Fox grinned as she looked at her reflection again. She felt at peace, her father just letting her be, letting her be free and herself. She had never been trapped but Fox felt as free as she'd ever be. 

Returning back up to the bedroom, Fox looked over at Lando. He was in the same position, eyes closed and steady breathing, smiling to herself, Fox knew this was where she wanted to be right now. 

"I know you're staring," Lando mumbled as he opened his eyes and looked at the blonde. 

Blushing, Fox shook her head before hiding behind the hair that had fallen in front of her face. "I didn't mean to wake you," she said as she padded over to the bed, removing her tee shirt with confidence before getting under the blanket beside him. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن