H E A D L I N E S / D E A D L I N E S

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"I have a massive favour to ask of you," Lando listened as he held his mobile to his ear. He was confused as to why the organiser of Gumball 3000 and friend, Maximillion Cooper was calling him just two days prior to their departure. 

Lando nodded his head to himself as he sat forward on his sun lounger, putting his feet on the ground. "How can I help?" He asked as he prepared himself for the worst news. 

He listened as he heard Maximillion let out a sigh before he spoke with his request. "I shall reimburse you for petrol and pay any speeding tickets you incur on the trip if you let my daughter accompany you."

For a moment, Lando was silent. He didn't know what to say to the request. It was simple and one which would save him money. He would not need to travel alone then, having some company with him for the trip. "Can she drive?" Lando asked needing to know if it was of some benefit to him, he did not want to do all the driving himself if he could help it.

"Yes," Maximillion asked, hoping that Lando would accept his offer. "She will be paying her entrance fee too."

"Okay," he answered without thinking about it any more. What was the worse thing that could happen?

Maximillion spoke again, "So, when we set off Monday, I'll introduce you to Fox. Thank you, Lando."

The line went dead indicating the end of the call, Lando pulled his phone away from his ear before he typed Fox Cooper into the search engine on the website browser on his phone. 

His eyes scanned over the various news articles about the young woman. It seemed she was a popular influential upcoming celebrity due to her father's name but the headlines and articles were not the most promising. 

Maximillion Cooper's underage daughter caught in nightclub

Who is Fox Cooper's new man?

Louis Tomlinson spotted with Fox Cooper.

Is Maximillion Cooper struggling to control his daughter?

Fox Cooper spotted partying with newly married Justin Bieber.

Eve marries Maximillion Cooper, Fox leaves reception early to party with F1 star Lewis Hamilton

Lando sighed as he shook his head. The young woman was a pretty thing, she had long blonde hair with dainty features. In every picture of her, she looked heavy made up, her lips always painted into a smile with the same light pink shade which seemed to do her justice. Fox Cooper seemed like she had already done so much with her life, Lando worried that he would spend his whole time with her listening to how much she had done. If she was friends with Lewis Hamilton there was a chance he'd have to talk about work with her, Gumball was supposed to be his chance to forget about that for a while. 

He locked the phone before he took a deep breath and laid back on the sunlounger then closed his eyes. Who the hell was Fox Cooper? What had he gotten himself into by agreeing to do this?


Fox woke up in Dean's bed, she smiled to herself as she turned over and looked at the man who laid next to her. She knew she had to tell him where she was going, she hadn't told him yet that she'd be disappearing for a week or more as part of her punishment. 

Getting out of the bed, she looked down at his sleeping form before she pulled her clothes on. She walked across the room and got a pen and piece of paper from his desk then scribbled down a note for him. She didn't want to deal with telling him face to face this morning, she was sure he would turn up before she left tomorrow. 

Taking her bag, she left his room creeping down the stairs before leaving his mother's house quickly. She needed to get back to her father's before he left to pick her up, or return to her mother's, so her father would believe she had stayed there over night. She knew the second option would be the best one. Although her father had not been one to discipline her well recently, she knew that he was getting to the end of his tether with her. She'd checked her bank accounts, seeing her father had already removed the sixty grand from her trust fund which seemed to be dipping lower than she'd liked it to. 

Fox pulled her phone from her bag as she walked in the general direction of her mothers, hoping to book an Uber to get her back. She found her name had been blacklisted with Uber, she guessed her father had worked his magic, it was easy to do that when you had a lot of money. 

Her nose twitched as she made the journey, she found herself looking around as she walked, hoping that her father wasn't on his way to pick her up. She was startled when her phone began to ring in her hands, she looked at the caller ID before answering the call and lifting the phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"Oh my God, you're awake," Alicia's voice was loud as Fox pulled the phone away from her ear for a moment before taking a deep breath.

Fox put the phone back against her right ear, "Yeah, so, what's up?"

"What's this rumour I hear about you disappearing for a week?"

Stopping walking, Fox closed her eyes for a moment as she realised she had not told Alicia yet. "Wait," she opened her eyes then began to walk again. "How do you even know?"

"It's in the news," Alicia explained as Fox let out a groan. "So, it's true then?"

"Very," Fox sighed as she hitched her bag up on she left shoulder then pushed her hair back. "My dad is very serious about this too. I think Friday might have been the last straw." 

Alicia laughed at her friend, "Which part was he particularly annoyed about?"

"It might have been the stumbling through the door at about 3AM, it could have even been Eve finding my clutch which I'd left in the sink with my guts." Fox chuckled at the thought of her father's wife finding her bag swimming in her vomit. 

"Hold on," Alicia went quiet, for a moment Fox thought she'd hung up before her friend spoke again. "The bag you had last night?"


"Fox!" The scolding was about to start from her best friend. "That was the clutch that Eve brought you for your birthday last year. No wonder she's mad."

Fox rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics, she knew her father and Eve were multi-millionaires, a two grand clutch bag was nothing. "I'll call you later," she ended the call not wanting to deal with the truths Alicia was speaking as she started to walk a little faster. 

She knew it was not worth her being late back there, if her father turned up and she wasn't there, she could only imagine where their relationship would go from there.

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant