G L A S S E S / E V E R Y T H I N G

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Fox looked over at Lando as he got into the car. She was unsure of what to say to him, she didn't know how to start a conversation or if he even wanted to talk to her. All her thinking went out the window when he reached across her and into the glove box before he pulled out a glasses case. She watched dumbfound as he took them out and placed them on his face. 

"What?" He turned his head and looked at her with a smile. 

Her mouth hung open before she grinned and let out a little laugh. "I just didn't-" She couldn't speak for laughing for a moment then she stopped but kept a big smile on her face. "They are so cute." 

Shaking his head, Lando rolled his eyes at her. "I was never warned you were so childish."

"Oh, come on," Fox giggled as she looked at his glasses. She couldn't believe how well they actually suited his face even though she had never seen him with them before. "Let's see how blind you are then."

Lando took the glasses off slowly before handing them over to the waiting blonde. She put them on but was confused at the lack of change in the quality of the vision. The colour changed though. She looked at Lando as she took them off and he smiled at her. "They are blue light glasses, just helps adjust to the light and shit."

Fox raised an eyebrow but didn't question him as he put them back on his own face before he started the car. He looked out the main window as she looked at him in his glasses. It was fascinating to her. Strange that he wore them when he didn't need them to in reality. Fox thought at the people in her life, she had never really had anyone in her life that wore glasses. Her grandfather had worn glasses but he was an old man and that was what she associated glasses with for the most part. At school there had been a couple of kids that wore glasses, all of them had been treated the same like they had a disease. She'd never thought of someone who wore glasses as cool or famous unless they gave off the nerd impression. Lando was choosing to wear them, he was choosing to be in public with glasses and he looked good. 

Turning away, Fox knew she had been staring. She didn't want to cause any more tension between them. 

"There's a spare pair in the glove box," Lando told her getting Fox's attention.

Whipping her head around, she looked at him with a look of embarrassment. He had clocked her staring before she looked away. She looked down as she spoke, "Oh, I'm okay."

He chuckled at her awkwardness before he spoke again, "So, was your dad giving you shortcuts or driving tips at the hotel?"

Looking forward, Fox let out a sniggle as she tried her hardest to keep the sound to a minimum. "Absolutely not. There is no way he'd give me an advantage." She sighed as she thought about the words she exchanged with her dad. "Sometimes I wonder if he really knows me." She thought about whether her father could see how she looked at his friend, she wondered what her father would think if he did. 

"How so?" Lando questioned. 

Fox was staring but not at anything in particular. "He said something to me, about going home." She turned her head and looked out the passenger window as her hands awkwardly sat on her lap, cracking each knuckle as she spoke. "I'm not ready to go home," she admitted in a quieter voice. 


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Her words shocked the young lad. He would have thought she would have been begging to get home and return to normality. Her normal was very different to his, once this was over he'd return to work travelling around the world and driving fast. 

He noticed she had turned her head to look back at Lando. He didn't directly look at her, he could see her out of his peripheral vision. "What is waiting for you when you go home?" She asked as she leaned back in her chair getting comfortable. 

Lando raised an eyebrow as he thought about it. "Friends, family, work. It's nice to be away, to escape all of that for a while."

"You are not looking forward to returning home?" 

He looked at her for a second, she had turned a little in her seat, her hands were on the edge of her seat closest to him, her fingers were running along the edge centre dash. He took in her innocent look and beauty before looking back at the road. He was going to get himself into trouble sooner or later when it came to this young woman. 

"Of course I am," he said as he thought about his work, about how he was living his dream. "I get to drive for a living, get to do things others can only dream about." He shrugged his shoulders as he sighed, "There is more to life than just working though, right?"

Fox shot a brief glance at him before smiling. "Right. Life is about having fun!"

Lando couldn't help but crack a grin at her quick change in attitude. Hearing her sounding so upbeat made him happy too. She was too precious for words, some of the stuff she did was incredibly cute, but, at the same time she had another side to her. He noticed that Fox had a darkness, a side of herself that she covered with alcohol, a side that she didn't want to show to the world. 

"We better make these last few days something special," Lando got into the spirit as he kept his eyes on the road. "Party whilst we can, enjoy the sights and do everything we both wanna do."

"Everything?" Fox asked in a hopeful voice. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now