Chapter 5, Charcoal Boy

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A few months later...


_Author Pov_

'It's almost new year already! I can't wait for the feast nee-sama prepare for us! ' you thought as you skipped around the hallways[A/N: I think that's what they are called 😅] to help shinobu and the others cook.

You walked in the kitchen and expected to see shinobu but you only see aoi and the triplets preparing the feast. You looked around for kanao but you also didn't see her.

Aoi spotted you and ask you to go get some herbs because shinobu is sick.

" Okay! I can go get some but where is kana-nee? Is she on a mission?" you asked aoi wondering where she went since she isn't the type go out that much unless it's a mission. You two aren't a official demon slayer yet but both of you are strong enough to kill demons so Shinobu let you go to missions but only with her because she is afraid that you two might get killed.

"Oh! She's in the room taking care of master. It probably surprise you but she looked really worried." aoi replied which your mouth shaped an 'o' meaning you understand.


"Thank you for taking care of me,kanao" she said to kanao only to cut off by her coughing.


The door was pushed open by none other than y/n.

"Nee-sama,are you okay?"

"Ah,y/n! I am sorry i can't make your favorite mochi this year....even though i promised...." shinobu apologize and said the last sentence like a whisper but y/n heard it clearly. You didn't want to make her sad so you just smiled brightly and said " It's okay! Nee-sama's feelings alone have made me full already. If you can't make it this year,you can always make it next year! "

Shinobu smiled at your words.

"I am going to get some herbs for medicine" you said to both of them. " I will be trusting you to take care of nee-sama,okay?" you said to kanao winking.

"Ara~ are we already ran out of herbs already?" shinobu said.

"Hai!that's what Aoi-chan told me so"


You hummed a melody as you skipped around the snow happily.You already got all the herbs you need and you are ready to go home.

On your way home,you are met with a village. The village looked very peaceful and the villagers seemed very nice unlike that village.

But one thing catches your attention. It was a boy,he looks like he's around your age.He has slightly tanned skin and has ruffled black hair with burgundy tips. He has wide and innocent dark red eyes with white pupils. The most obvious feature of his face is the scar that's on left side of his forehead. He looks really friendly and nice.

He caught you staring and you blush madly, feeling embarrassed. He ask you if you want to buy some charcoal which you shooked your head at the question.

"What's your name? I'm Kamado Tanjiro" he introduce himself. "You're not around here,right?Are you lost?"

"My name is L/n Y/n and nope! I am not lost. I'm just a passby!" You replied.

You and tanjiro converse for a bit and you two quickly became friends.You and him just know each other for a few minutes but you found his presence really comforting.


"It's already evening,i gotta go home now. I hope we will see each other again!" you said sadly.

Tanjiro chuckled. "I am sure we will see each other again!" he said giving you a closed-eye smile.

"Ehh? How are you so sure?" You asked, curious.

"Just a gut feeling."

"Well, I hope so! But bye-bye for now!" you said waving at tanjiro who's also waving back with a smile.


_Taisho Secret_

Shinobu's sickness has vanished in thin air because of the special medicine made by ✨you✨



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