Chapter 43, Toward Victory

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_Author Pov_

'' For now, I'm gonna run all over the place with this head, okay? You two go help the old guy and my other discipline! '' Inosuke yells while running.

'' Okay! Be careful, Inosuke! '' Tanjiro exclaims. '' Sure thing! ''

Tanjiro searches for you and Tengen while jumping around the roof.

While running, Daki tries to attack Inosuke with her hair but her hair was cut by Inosuke. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Gyutaro's sickle went through Inosuke chest. Tanjiro, who saw the scene yells at Inosuke in worry. Inosuke went limp and Daki was pulled away. He looks around and saw Tengen lying on the ground with his hand cut off. Meanwhile, you were nowhere to be seen. Tanjiro's chest tighten and worries shot through his head.

All of the sudden, He was pushed away by Zenitsu. '' Tanjiro! Look out! '' The roof beneath them was crumbled and destroyed.

'' Sorry....I'm sorry, everyone...I'm sorry, Nezuko, Y/n.... ''


Tanjiro suddenly woke up with a gasp. He gets up and look around, everything was burning and destroyed. ' How awful.... ' He thought. ' Were the people who live here able to escape? ' He looks around for Nezuko in worry and sighed in relief when he saw her behind him, sleeping in her box. He notices your unconscious body lying besides him and he quickly stumbles to check on you. '' Y/n! Are you okay?! '' You didn't respond. You appear as if you are just sleeping, if it weren't for the poisoned hand, slash wounds and blood all over your body. He took a shaky breath before hugging your body close. ' She's still breathing....That's a relief. ' He savor the moment of being close with you before getting interrupted by Gyutaro.

'' Huh? You're still alive? '' He asked while scratching his head. '' You're one lucky guy, huh? Well, not that you have anything going for you expect for being lucky. '' Tanjiro hugged your unconscious body close as Gyutaro lean closer. '' I feel sorry for you. Everyone but you and her are probably done for. '' He continues to taunt Tanjiro with his words as he continues talking.

'' The one sticking out of the box you carry is a close relative, right? Is she your older or younger sister? '' Gyutaro asked.

'' Nezuko is my...younger sister... '' Gyutaro laughed. '' Just as I thought! You really arr a disgrace! You're not protecting your sister at all. '' He crouched down. '' You're a human and your sister is a demon. Of course, you're weaker than your sister. If you're a big brother, you should be protecting her. '' He patted Tanjiro's head. '' Devotedly....with these hand, see? '' He took Tanjiro's fingers and crushed them. A sickening bone breaking sound was heard as Tanjiro hisses in pain. Unable to do anything at the demon, he hugged your body closer for comfort. Your body warmth gives him strength to keep enduring with the mocking and taunting of this demon, he thought.

'' And for the girl, she has-no, she need to be alive. Don't worry, I won't kill her. So give her to me. '' Tanjiro hugged your body closer, afraid that if he loosen his grip on you, you'll be snatched away in a second. '' You expect me to believe that? '' He glares at the demon in front of him. Gyutaro laughed again, in a mocking manner, amused by how hard Tanjiro is glaring at him. If look could kill, he's probably a pile of ashes already.

'' Don't make it hard for me, you punk. '' Gyutaro grabbed your body but Tanjiro tighten his grip and covers your body with his. Just like that, a tag of war started. Tanjiro didn't let go of you, his grip tight yet gentle but at the same time, he tries to make Gyutaro loosen his grip on you after seeing your pained face. Gyutaro however, ruthlessly tries to pull you from Tanjiro, didn't stop when your face is convert in pain from his grip. As long as you don't die, he's willing to go to extreme measure.

Tanjiro suddenly gets up and pulls Nezuko's box, hugging your body close to him, and run away from the demon. Daki and Gyutaro we're stunned for a second before laughing, mocking him. But Gyutaro catches up on him in no time and kicked his body. He flew away from the impact But not forgettting to shield your body and Nezuko's with his so you two don't get hurt. The fire pillar brraks down on him but he makes an narrow escape. Tanjiro, seeing Gyutaro coming closer, he pick up the rubbles and threw them at him. '' I've never seen anyone as disgraceful as you. '' Gyutaro mocks him again, laughing.
He keep throwing as Gyutaro reaches closer.

'' As disgraceful As you are, I don't dislike you. Because I like anything that's disgusting and filthy! '' He points at the scar on his forehead. '' This filthy scar on your forehead. I like it! I'm getting attach to it! '' He suddenly lit up as of he got the best idea in the world. '' I know! Why don't you become a demon too? For your little sister and her sake  as well! You love her, don't you? I can tell, it's so obvious. '' He laughed, gesturing to you. '' That's it! That's it! What a great idea! '' He lean close to Tanjiro. '' If you become a demon, I will spare you, cause we'll be friends! Otherwise, I will slaughter your sister too. Since I don't give a crap about other people's little sisters. ''  Daki interrupted but he ignored her and continued taunting Tanjiro.

'' Your own weakness makes you bitter, doesn't it? ''

'' I was just getting ready. ''


_Taisho Secret_

Y/n complimented Tanjiro's scar and he stuttered like a lovesick teenage girl.


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