Chapter 14 - Meeting o2l

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"Where we going then, you're house or somewhere else?" Connor asks once we're on the highway.

"How about your place?" I ask, realising that in the two weeks I've known him I've never been to his house as we always hang out at mine.

"Sure, I will warn you now, the boys are quite...excitable" he says, seemingly picking his words carefully.

I laugh a little. "Con, it's fine, I'm used to it from the vid..." I stop myself. It feels weird telling him how I already know his roommates and had crushes on all of them.

"Babe, it's fine, I know you watch o2l, it's not weird, I like that your a fan" He says, leaning over and placing his hand on my thigh to calm me down. I smile at him falsely reassuring him that I agree. "Besides, not all of them are going to be there anyway, I doubt Trevor and Sam are round, it's too early for them to of actually bothered to get their lazy teenage ass's out of bed" Connor says laughing and I join him.


As we approach the door to the house, I start internally panicking. When I met Connor I didn't feel these pre nerves as it was unexpected that I saw him that day. Now it's just scary as hell knowing that behind this door is a house full of some of my all time favourite YouTubers, and as lucky as I am that I get to meet them in a setting that has no security or thousands of other screaming fans it does makes it harder as well as I have to act all cool and nonchalant because this is their home and they don't want some fan girl, freaking out over them.

"Here we are, home sweet home" Connor chirps, unlocking the door and stepping into the entrance. The house is large and welcoming and much tidier than I expected a house full young men to be.

"Connor, that you dude?" I here someone shout from the kitchen. From the sounds of it, it was Kian's voice. Just then it strikes me that I don't even know if Connor has told them about me.

"Do they know about me?" I whisper to Connor.

"Of course they do, as soon as we kissed on the beach that night I texted Ricky straight away, I hope that's ok" He tells me shyly.

"Yep, I'm glad you told them, it's flattering" I say laughing quietly.

"You're such a dork" Connor teases, pulling me into him and kissing my forehead before intertwining our fingers and leading me into the kitchen, where Kian and Ricky are standing at the work surfaces, chatting.

"Boys, this is my girlfriend: Leah" He introduces me. "Leah, this is Kian, Ricky and somewhere around is Jc" he tells me, even know he knows full well I am aware of who they are but he's just being polite.

"Nice to finally meet you Leah, I've heard, many..many things" Kian says, shaking my hand and emphasising the 'many', making me blush at the idea of Connor talking about me a lot to his mates.

"Hey Leah, I love you're hair, it's so cute" Ricky compliments in true Ricky Dillon fashion.

"Thank you" I say and smile at him.

"Easy tiger, she's mine" Connor jokes and Ricky flips him off laughing. God I love the vibe in this house. Just then Jc enters the room in a mantank and boxers.

"Duuuuuudddddeeee, put some clothes on, ladies present" Kian scolds his friend and I just laugh.

"Shit, sorry, I only just woke up" Jc apologises smiling at me. "I'm Jc by the way" He adds.

"Hi" I mumble, slightly shocked at the sight of him in just boxers and a tank.

"Okay, well that's a pretty good insight into how lazy we are" Connor says laughing and walking to the fridge. "Do you want a drink babe?" Connor asks and I blush at him calling me babe in front of people. I see Kian and Ricky sniggering to themselves and Connor slapping their heads playfully, telling them off.

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