Chapter 22 - A little announcement

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When I wake up, I look around my bedroom to see it littered with my friends from last nights sleepover.

"Hey Ethel" I say, noticing she is the only one awake.

"Morning girl" She chirps back.

"What time are you going home today?" I ask her.

"Our flight is at 11am so we should probably leave here about 9" she says.

"I will ask Connor if he can give you guys a lift to the airport, I'm sure he won't mind" I offer and she smiles.

"That'll be really helpful thank you" She says and we see the other stir from their sleep.

"You awake Satyana?" I ask.

"Yep I'm up" She replies.

"Yeah I'm up too" Matty calls out from the corner.

"Me too" Alexis chirps.

"Well if we're all up, we might as well get some breakfast" I suggest and they all nod.

We head downstairs and make some cereal and afterwards I call Connor and ask him to give them all a lift to the airport. Of course being as lovely as my boyfriend is, he said yes.

He arrives about about 30 minutes later and helps my friends load the car up with their luggage.

Throughout the whole car journey Connor was happily chatting away with my friends about whatever questions they had for their all time favourite YouTuber. It made me so happy to see them getting on with him so well.

He's such a down to earth person that they soon forgot what he does for a living and instead focussed on the actual person. It's great and I'm so thankful to have them all as my friends and him as my boyfriend.

"Here we are then, LAX airport" Connor announces and I smile, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. I then climb out of the car and help my friends carry their bags to check in.

I walk them to the boarding gate and start to say my goodbyes.

"Thank you all for coming over, it was really nice to see you all. And thank you for being so understanding and accepting of Connor. He literally means the world to me and so do you guys so it's so important to me that you both get on" I explain and Satyana walks forward, wrapping her arms around me and saying goodbye, then walking through the boarding gate and onto the plane. Ethel does the same, then Matty and then finally Alexia makes her way toward me.

"You mean more to me than words can explain, without you I would never of had the guts to tell them and my parents about Connor, which would mean I'd have to keep our relationship behind closed doors and not get to do simple things like have him round my house. So thank you, I am coming to see you so soon I promise" I say and hug her. She hugs me tightly and smiles.

"I'll miss you so much Leah, give Connor a goodbye hug from me" She says and walks onto the plane. I then turn around and head back to join Connor in the car.


"Right well I can tick telling people off the list then" I exclaim when I climb back into the car.

"My turn" He says excitedly.

"What?" I ask confused.

"My turn to tell people about you" He explains.

"Oh right, like your family yeah?" I ask to confirm.

"I thought more, my fans" He defines.

"What? You can't do that, they'll hate me" I say.

"They won't, not if they get to know you like I do. Be in a video with me, please. I'll explain who you are and then we can do something fun like a 'not my arms challenge' or 'guess the body part challenge'. Come on, they deserve to know what's going on in my life, and you are my life so they should at least know you exist" He says.

"Okay, you're right" I accept, kind of enjoying the gesture that he feels comfortable with our relationship to tell other people, especially his 4 million plus fans who adore him.

He starts up his car and drives us back to his place, leading me up the stairs after saying a quick hello to the boys and sets up his tripod and camera.

"What challenge are we going to do?" I ask.

"I was thinking the guess the body part challenge" Connor suggests.

"Yeah sounds fun" I exclaim, having recalled seeing it in a collab he recently did with Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe. (Check out my Joe Sugg Fanfic 'Forbidden fruit' Go to my profile to find it)

"Okay cool, I'll just do a quick intro and tell them about you, then I'll get you to come in so if you sit over there out of shoot until I ask you to join me" Connor says and I nod and move to sit behind the camera.

"Hey what's up guys. So today I have a big announcement, and before I tell you what it is I want you guys to know that this thing is more important to me than anything else in the world so please please please, try to love it as much as I do.

The announcement is that I have a girlfriend. We've been dating for about 2 months and we met in a coffee shop when she spilled a drink on me like I mentioned in my previous video. So as I just said, she means the world to me so I want you guys to like her too so I've asked her to be in this video with me, so here she is. Leah Mcintosh" He says and signals for me to come join him in shot.

I walk up and sit in the empty chair next to him and smile. "This is Leah. And yes I know she has the same name as Jc's girlfriend so that could get confusing but she's much better!" He jokes. "Just kidding, love you Lia and Jc" He chirps and I laugh. "Okay so today we thought we could do the 'guess the body part challenge" Connor says and I nod. "So I've got a blindfold so we can't cheat. Who wants to go first" Connor asks.

"I'll go first, so you wear the blindfold first okay" I suggest and Connor smiles, tying the band behind his head.

"I never had us down as a BDSM relationship" Connor jokes.

"Connor!" I shriek. "You can't keep that in the video" I say and he laughs, kissing me deeply.

"Are you sure? My viewers might like to see us making out" Connor says.

"Well I don't want them to see us doing that, now focus babe" I instruct and he laughs but sits still.

"Okay, find me body part then, here's my finger" he says and holds out his finger for me to guide to my selected body part. I start by folding my arm at the elbow as if I was flexing my arm muscles and press his finger into the crease.

"What the fuck is that?" He gasps. "Wait I know" He exclaims. "It's the crease in your elbow" He guesses and I laugh.

"Yep, your turn" I exclaim and he takes the blindfold off and ties it around my head.

We go on like that: taking it in turns to poke each other's fingers in to our body parts. It's so much fun and we are both in fits by the end of the video. Connor does an outro to the video and I say a big goodbye at the end, trying to sound likeable, knowing just how judgemental a fangirl will be of a girlfriend. I would be the same if it was a different girl sat here right now with Connor.

Connor then quickly edits the video, titling it 'Meet my girlfriend' and uploading it to YouTube. Within minutes my phone starts buzzing with Twitter notifications saying I have new followers, and messages from my friends saying just how lucky I am. I smile and turn to Connor.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" I say and he smiles,

"I love you more" he replies and walks over to where I'm sitting on the couch. Picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom...

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