Chapter 20 - All is revealed

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The next morning I wake up in a unfamiliar setting that takes my brain a couple of seconds to remember where I am. I turn to Connor who is awake and looking back at me.

"Morning babe" I greet and smile. He smiles lopsidedly, and I notice his eyes are slightly dazed over. "What's up Connor?" I ask.

"Nothing...uh..Ive ehhh...just got.." he croaks out and roles over to face the ceiling as realisation hits me.

"Morning wood" I finish for him.

"Well yeah, sorry it's not to do with you I just get it some times in the mornings" He replies embarrassed despite the fact I've seen him have an erection lots of times recently.

I laugh and change the subject to stop his embarrassment.

"Well moving on from that. My friends are coming over from England tonight for a sleepover and I'm planning on telling them about you" I tell him shyly.

"What's wrong with that?" He asks.

"Well they're all subscribed to you and I know Alexia already knows about us and she handled it fine but my other friends are quite jealous people so I'm bit worried" I inform him.

"Babe if they love you enough they'll be fine with it" Connor says reassuringly.

"Yeah you're right. The other thing is that I'm worried they won't believe me so would you be willing to come, not for the sleepover, just at the start and then you can go. It's just I think I might need proof?" I ask, realising how odd it sounds that I need my boyfriend to come to a sleepover to prove to my friends he exists.

Luckily Connor just laughs "of course that's fine babe, what time are they coming over?"

"About 5 I think so when they get here we'll do the whole 'I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been, tour of my house' thing and then I'll sit them down and tell them about you so if you could come round for about...5:30?" I ask

"Yeah that's fine" he says and kisses me. "We should probably get up then shouldn't we" Connor says.

I nod and get up.


After breakfast me and Connor say our goodbyes to the boys and head for my house. My parent should be back from their trip by now and as I'm telling my friends about him today, I come to the conclusion that I should probably tell my parents too.

On the car ride over I sit nervously fiddling with my hands in my lap. Connor notices and rubs his hand up and down my thigh to calm me. "Leah calm down, it'll be fine baby" He soothes.

"I know, they'll probably love you I'm just nervous. I've never introduced one of my boyfriends to my parents before as it's never been serious enough, especially not one that is a YouTuber with over 4 million subscribers that I've grown up watching" I reply, shakily.

"Don't think about that. When I'm with you, I'm just Connor, the boy whose head over heals in love with you and everything about you" He says and I blush.

"I love you too" I state simply as we pull up outside my house. "Here goes" I say and climb out the car, waiting for Connor so we can walk up the path together.

When we reach my door I knock on it timidly, still shaking. Connor squeezes my hand to show he's here for me and that its okay to back out if I want to. I squeeze it back to tell him I'm fine.

"Hey Leah" my mum chirps as she opens the door.

"Hey mum, how was your trip?" I ask, hugging her.

"Good thank you. Oh a guest, What a lovely surprise, you must be...Connor was it?" she exclaims.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Mrs Mcintosh" Connor greets politely.

"Oh please, call me Helen" My mum replies.

"Is dad in, I want to talk to you both" I ask, entering the house with Connor followed closely behind me.

"Yes he's in the living room, come through you two" she says and leads us into the living room.

"Hi Leah, oh Connor, nice to see you again" My dad greets, reaching to shake Connors hand.

"Hello George, nice to see you again" Connor replies, returning my dads gesture.

"Con do you want to sit down" I say and sit on the sofa, patting for him to sit next to me. He smiles and plops down.

"So.. Mum, dad, I'm sure you can probably guess what I'm going to say...the truth is Connor is more than just a friend, he's my boyfriend" I say looking to Connor. He smiles and urges me to continue. "I know we've not known each other long but we just click and we're really happy" I explain.

"That's wonderful then dear, it doesn't matter how long you've known each other, as long as you get on and you're treating my girly well Connor, than I'm happy for you both. And Connor being as lovely as he is, it's no problem to me" My mum says and a weight is lifted from my shoulders. Until I hear Connor cough subtly reminding me to tell them the other bit of information about Connor.

"The other thing is, Connor is...Connor does..." I stutter.

"I'm Connor Franta, the YouTuber Leah's been spending hours in her room watching since she was 15" Connor finishes for me, not so modestly.

"What?" My dad and mum say in unison.

"Well you know how I'm obsessed with YouTubers?" I ask and my dad nods.

"Well Connor is one of the YouTubers I was obsessed with, and I coincidentally met him in a coffee shop in the middle of LA, it was totally unplanned" I emphasise.

"Okay..well...I don't know what to say, it's a bit strange but if you two are happy than we are" my dad says and I smile, hugging them both and thanking them, before leading Connor up to my room.

"I told you they would be fine with it baby" Connor says and pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's only because you're so nice to them that they are okay with it" I say and kiss him.

"I am aren't I?" He jokes and I laugh, kissing him again.

We spend the rest of the evening watching movies in my room and talking until Connor leaves at around 11pm and I go to bed, dreaming of my wonderful boyfriend.

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