Chapter 18 - A day in bed

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. This is the best way to wake up, I wish I could wake up to this every morning. My legs intertwined with Connors and the memory of last night fresh in my mind. Him whispering how much he loves me into my ear as I drift off into sleep.

The connection I felt with Connor last night was at its highest level ever. I know we didn't have sex but what we did do was very intimate and much further than I've ever gone with any boy before. I really appreciate him respecting my feelings and waiting till I'm ready for more than that. I will repay him soon though, Im fully aware that he's a 22 year old guy and so waiting much longer is going to kill him. That's why it's so sweet he has agreed to wait till I'm ready. I'll be ready soon, I just want to have a few more days with my so called innocence, even if the idea of losing myself to Connor in that way makes my skin tingle and my heart flutter. If it feels as good as he made me feel last night, I don't imagine I will be able to wait much longer either.

I feel him stirring next to me and a yawn escape his gorgeous lips. "Morning babe" he croaks in his hoarse morning voice.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?" I ask.

"How could I not after last night, it was amazing, thank you Leah" he says and I blush, remembering the way his eyes scrunched up and his breaths panted as he let himself go in my hand. It was magical.

"I love you so much and I know your not ready yet for more than what we did last night and that's fine with me, I will be here when your ready. And until then I will certainly enjoy having your hand wrapped tightly around me" he adds cheekily, laughing. I slap his cheek playfully and giggle.

"Connor!" I shriek, hiding myself under the duvet to cover my growing red cheeks from him.

I feel him pull the duvet away from my face and slowly tuck my hair behind my ear. "Sorry, I just can't believe how lucky I am that I get to have you touch me in such a way" he says. I smile and kiss his lips. He slips his tongue into my mouth and slides his legs either side of my hips so he's straddling my waist as he did last night, pulling my face closer to his so we are as close together as possible. He's so near to me I can feel the breath coming from his nose as his lips attack mine.

"Can we stay in bed today, I'm too tired to get up" I moan into his lips.

"Sounds perfect" he replies softly. Moving his hand lower and down into my shorts!


"I'm going to make some breakfast and bring it up to you, that okay?" Connor asks, putting back on his burgundy tee from yesterday that was laying, scrambled in the corner from being thrown off his body in such haste. However he does not put his pants back on but stays in just his boxers, lucky enough for me. As he leaves the room I watch as his leg muscle tense and release again and again as he walks. Absoloutly every inch of him is pure sex and makes my body tingle.

Once he's left the room I jump out of the bed and put on a plain white t-shirt over my bare chest. I then climb back into the bed and get my phone of the side table next to my bed. I see have a text from my mum and Alexia so I decide to answer my mum first.

Mum: 'Will be gone an extra night, see you Thursday'

Me: 'Okay, have fun'

Then I go to answer Alexia.

Al: 'How was your night with Connor, give me details! Xx'

Me: 'Nosey much, it was fun, we had fun... Xx'

Within minutes she replies.

Al: 'Fun? What's that supposed to mean? Xx'

Me: 'There may have been some hand action xx'

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