Chapter 16 - Filming with Tyler

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"Come on then, we best get home and film" Tyler says, getting out his wallet to pay.

"This place really was great, thank you for bringing me, I imagine I will be spending a lot of my time here" I say to Tyler, he chuckles.

"I knew you'd like it" He replies smiling.


"Right, I will set the camera up" Connor says once we're back at Tyler's apartment.

"Where should I sit so that I'm not I'm shot?" I ask shyly.

"Well we'll be sitting on chairs in the middle of the room for my video and so if you sit behind the camera there. In Con's video one of us will be sitting there with you" Tyler tells me and I thank him and sit down behind the camera like he instructed.

They soon begin by filming Connors video first, taking it in turns to act out what's on the cards. It's so funny to see them trying to act out some of these things. I think my favourite was when Tyler had to act out jerking off. Connor pretended he didn't understand just so Tyler had to to continue. It was hilarious.

I especially liked when it was Tyler's turn to act out so Connor sat with me behind the camera and we cuddled up to each other, as we watched Tyler. It felt so special to be part of the filming process, even if it was in secret.

Tyler's video was even funnier. The things they had to whisper to each were so sexual and it was hilarious to see each other's reactions to the pick up lines being whispered to them. I love the dynamic they have between them. It's so special, so unlike any other friendship between YouTubers that I know of. I love seeing them together, just doing what they do best, make videos and laugh with each other. It's amazing to be here to witness it.

"That was hilarious you two, I don't know how you manage to make even the simplest things hilarious" I compliment as Tyler takes the memory card out of the camera and packs away the tripod.

"Thanks Leah, I always have fun filming with Con Con so that makes it easier to be funny" Tyler tells me. Connor smiles and ruffles Tyler's hair.

"Luv ya to Ty" Connor says, getting up from his seat in the middle of Tyler's living room.

"So what's the plan now?" Connor asks.

"I'm kind of tired, is it alright if we head home now?" I ask, not wanting to sound like I'm bored of Tyler because I mean really, who could possibly get bored of Tyler Oakley. He's fun personified.

"Yeah of course babe" Connor replies smiling brightly at me.

"Thanks for coming over, it was really nice to finally meet you Leah" Tyler says as he leads me and Connor to the door.

"And you Tyler, serial, but nice" I say.

"See you later Con" Tyler says, pulling Connor into a hug. Connor pats Tyler's back and smiles.

"Bye Tilly, see you soon" Connor replies and takes my hand as we leave Tyler's apartment"

"So where to now Leah?" Connor asks me when we're in his car.

I check my phone for the time and see I have a text from my mum telling me, Francis has taken her and dad out to her house in the Hampton's and so they will be gone until tomorrow afternoon. I smile and look at Connor before answering his question.

"My place" I tell him, showing him the text and watching a smirk form his plump lips.

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