The Car Incident

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This chapter contains spanking!

Gracies Outfit!

Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

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Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

"Well done today class" my ballet teacher Mrs Laurence said as we all rushed to grab our stuff and put our normal shoes back on. I was super exited to see my brother as he said that we could go to the park after my class had finished! I was slightly disappointed when I left the building and saw Hailey waiting for me. I stopped dead in my tracks, slightly hoping that if I closed my eyes she would disappear and Jay or Will would take her place. But no such look, she was still standing their waiting expectantly.

"Come on Gracie" she encouraged with a hint of confusion showing on her face,

"Where's Will or Jay?" I asked confused at my oldest brothers girlfriends presence. It's not that I don't like Hailey because I do! I love her! But Will had promised to take me to the park!

"He had to go to work honey and Jay's all tied up with a case" she explained as she opened the car door for me to jump in,

"But Will said he'd take me to the park" I complained with a frown causing her to smile sadly at me,

"Maybe he'll take you tomorrow kid" she suggested "hop in" she instructed, this time a little firmer.

"No" I cried as I crossed my arms across my chest,

"Excuse you?" She said shocked,

"I said no!" I shouted as I stomped my foot in anger "I wanna go to the park!" I cried,

"Well you can't today Gracie" she explained, still shocked by my outburst "now get in the car" she ordered but I shook my head defiantly, "you want me to call Will?" She threatened with an exasperated sigh. But I didn't care, so I sat down on the floor, crossing my arms firmly across my chest, "fine" she said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and selected a number before putting it to her ear, "Hey Will" she greeted my brother who had obviously picked up on the other end, "there's nothing to worry about" she assured "your sister won't come with me, she's mad because she thought you were taking her to the park so she's now sat on the sidewalk refusing to move" she explained before there was a long silence. Hailey turned to me before holding her phone out for me to take, "Will wants to talk to you" she informed, allowing me to take her phone and hold it to my ear,

"What?" I asked my older brother angrily,

"You need to get in the car and go with Hailey Gracie" Will ordered and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he had a frown plastered across his face.

"But you said that you would take me to the park" I accused angrily,

"I know I did but I got called in to work" he explained "there's nothing I can do about it Gracie, so suggest you stop putting on a show and go with Hailey" he instructed "I promise we'll go to the park another day" he said,

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