Gracie Makes a Run For It

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Gracies POV (4 Years Old)

I stomped in to the apartment behind Jay who was annoying me by being ridiculously unfair in my opinion. I stormed straight by him before taking my coat off and throwing it on the floor dramatically,

"Gracelyn" Jay scolded "pick that up" he ordered as he pointed to my coat that was now laid haphazardly across the hallway floor,

"No" I screamed as I stomped my foot,

"One, two" he began to count "if I have to come get it myself you're gonna be in big trouble" he warned causing me to whine even more. I begrudgingly picked up my coat before stomping over to the coat rack where Jay took it from my hands and hung it up next to his.

Before he had a chance to say anything I went over to the sofa and fell back on to it before turning the TV on,

"I don't think so Gracie" Jay said as he removed the remote from my hands and turned the TV back off,

"You're being really horrible" I cried,

"How many times did I tell you to change your attitude today?" He asked with raised eyebrows,

"I don't have an attitude" I informed as I crossed my arms firmly across my chest,

"You most certainly do" he informed "and I warned you plenty of times that if your attitude didn't change then we'd come home" he lectured "this could have all been avoided if you'd have listened to me" he finished.

"I don't have an attitude" I screamed causing Jay to give me a pointed glare,

"Get your butt off the sofa and in to that corner right now" Jay demanded as he pointed to the corner of the living room.

"I don't wanna" I cried as I threw my head back,

"Now Gracelyn" he said with a raised voice,

"No, I don't want a time out" I complained,

"Well you're getting one" Jay said with raised eyebrows "so I suggest you get moving" he advised. I moaned as I slid off the sofa and marched over to the corner before sitting down on the floor and crossing my arms defiantly across my chest "you're really pushing your luck now Gracelyn" Jay warned me "stand up" he instructed as he walked over to me but I chose to ignore him. He let out a frustrated sigh "Gracelyn" he warned once again but I remained silent as I stared in front of me. I felt his hands pick me up from under my armpits and stand me up on my feet but I immediately lifted my feet off the floor in a form of protest. The protest didn't last long however, I felt Jay shift his hold on me before he delivered a firm swat to my dress covered behind causing my movements to cease and a whole new set of tears to flow from my eyes "enough" he said firmly "stand up properly and face the wall until I tell you to leave" he lectured sternly before turning me around and making me face the wall before walking away.

I heard keys in the lock of the front door and the sound of someone entering the apartment,

"Gracie?" Will asked in confusion as I turned around and ran over to him before he had a chance to close the front door "I thought you where out with Jay all day?" He asked with a frown,

"We where but Jay is being really mean to me and he made me come home early and then he just smacked my butt for no reason" I rambled,

"I'm certain it wasn't for no reason Gracie" he said,

"It WAS for no reason" I screamed in to the shocked face of my brother,

"Gracie you're meant to be in time out" Jay said from behind me "Get back in the corner, the timer's just reset itself" he said matter of factly causing me to whine. I took a moment to think about what my next move would be before deciding to make a run for it. I ducked under Wills arm and ran out of our apartment and down the hallway. I got halfway down the main staircase before I felt a pair of hands grab my upper arm to stop me before picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder and carry me back up the stairs, ignoring my pleas and unfazed by me punching their back. I saw Will close the door so I guess it must be Jay who's holding me hostage.

He didn't put me down until he reached the living room and sat down on the sofa when he pulled me face first across his lap and lifted my dress up causing me to cry even more. Jay didn't say a word as he began to lay down solid smacks over my pantie covered behind causing me to yelp out in surprise,

"I'm sorry, please Jay" I pleaded but he didn't react as he continued to assault my now burning behind.

He delivered another ten spots to my sit spots before he rubbed soothing circles on my back. He wordlessly picked me up and stood me back on my feet before walking me towards the same corner I had been stood in before,

"Five minutes Gracie" he said "don't move" he warned as he walked away.

I stood there for my allocated five minutes before Jay gave me permission to leave and led me over to the sofa,

"I'm sorry Jay" I cried as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried when I felt him wrap his arms around me,

"You're forgiven now Gracie. Your attitude is one thing, but don't you ever go running out of the apartment like that again, do you understand me?" He asked sternly,

"I understand" I nodded as he gave me a kiss on the side of the head and held me close to his chest.

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