The Bank Robbery

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As requested by EmpressPenguin18 and LililuHP! I hope this doesn't disappoint as I don't feel like this is my best work! I hope you like it anyway!

Gracies POV (10 Years Old)

"Jay we're gonna be late" I complained "can't we go to the bank after?" I asked impatiently,

"Not if you want any money to pay for your field trip we can't" he said as he focused on the road ahead "If you'd have told me about this when you got the letter then I could have done it before now" he continued, referring to the trip to see Annie with my theatre club that I had forgot to ask my brothers about until this morning, AKA the deadline.

Jay parked in the carpark across the road and we both walked in to the bank where we where met with a massive line!

"Urgh" I said dramatically as we joined the back of the line "you've got to be kidding me" I complained as I lent against my brother,

"Hey" he chastised lightly "come on, you're not a little kid anymore" he said as he urged me to stand up properly. I internally rolled my eyes at his 'not a little kid anymore' comment. Sure it's fine when he says it, but when I said it the other day to stop him from smacking my butt he disagreed. Stupid double standards.

Just then a commotion started happening at the front of the line but I couldn't see over the heads of the other customers to get a good look at what was happening. Suddenly an alarm sounded and the doors and windows locked,

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN" a guy shouted as he shot at the wall behind me. I felt Jay grab my arm and pull me behind a table before placing himself in front of me,

"NOBODY IS GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL WE GET THE MONEY" the guy shouted as he held up his gun and pointed it erratically around the room,

"Jay what's happening" I whispered with tears in my eyes,

"I don't know sweetie" he whispered back in a comforting manner "I need you to listen to me ok? I'm gonna see if I can speak to this guy and I need you to stay behind this table and stay quiet ok?" He asked and I nodded, the tears now falling freely down my face,

"Please be careful Jay" I begged as he gave me a kiss on the forehead along with a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder,

"I will, I promise" he said before slowly leaving me behind the covered desk,

"Hey, what are you doing get back down" the robber shouted as he pointed a gun at my brother,

"Hey man listen, I'm CPD ok? Nobody here wants to get hurt" Jay said as he held his hands up "we both know you're not gonna get out of this with what you want" he continued "if you drop the gun now and let everyone go I promise I will help you. But the more time you hold everyone in here with a gun pointing at them, the worse your situation is gonna be. Come on, just drop the gun and we can go out there together." Jay pleaded as the guy continued to point the gun at my brother with shaking hands.

"You don't understand dude" the guy began "I've lost everything. I have nothing left, and if I don't get this money to these guys" he stopped to swallowed down a sob as he shook his head,

"So you decided to rob a bank?" Jay asked as he kept his hands raised "look man, I can help you. But I need you to give me the gun" he asked once again. There was a long silence before the distraught robber shook his head violently,

"Sit down" he warned my brother who looked on with pleading eyes,

"Come on, don't do this" Jay urged,

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