Gracie gets caught

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Gracies POV (15 Years Old)

"Quickly, before any of the neighbours see" I urged James as we ran down my street and in to my apartment building and up the stairs to the apartment, "wait here a second ok?" I asked as he smirked before pulling me in for a kiss,

"I thought you said your brothers were out" he asked confused,

"They should be" I informed "I just want to make sure" I said causing him to roll his eyes. I unlocked the door and walked in to the kitchen area, "hello?" I shouted, waiting to see if I got a response. I was met by the sweet sound of silence so I went to the front door toilet James in, "all clear" I smirked as he walked in,

"Lucky me" he winked as he picked me up, allowing me to wrap my legs round his waist as he carried me to my bedroom. He knew the way as this was not his first time taking this route. He put me down on the bed as we continued to make out, trapped in the moment of passion. I don't know how long we had been in my room for but the sound of keys in a lock suddenly filled the apartment causing us both to look at each other in panic. Shit.

"Gracie" a voice shouted as footsteps headed towards my bedroom causing James and I to rush to cover ourselves up. Will! I got off shift early so I thought we could go get some food" he suggested as he knocked on my bedroom door, "you in there?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"Er yeah" I said, trying my best to act natural "hang on a second" I said. James was fumbling around trying to find his shirt when he tripped over my discarded shoe, "shhh" I said as he mouthes a silent 'sorry' in my direction,

"Gracie open the door" Will instructed,

"One second" I said as I urged James into my closet,

"I'm coming in" he informed before I could hide James. Time seemed to stand still once the door had been opened, but before James or I could react Will had grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him against my bedroom wall,

"Will" I screeched "please let him go" I begged, hoping that my brother wouldn't do anything stupid,

"This is not what it looks like" James tried to defend himself, but it only seemed to piss Will off even more,

"Oh really" Will challenged "cause it seems to me like I came home just in time" he said sarcastically, still not letting go of the death grip he had on James's shirt,

"Please Will" I begged once again "just let him go, nothing happened I swear" I urged as my brother just stared at the terrified looking James,

"Get out of here" Will said as he dragged him out of my bedroom and practically dragged him to the front door, "I better not see your face round here again" he threatened as he threw him in to the hallway before slamming the front door closed on his face. Great. Now he probably hates me, I thought as my brothers attention turned back to me,

"I'm sorry" I said barely over a whisper,

"I can't even look at you right now Gracelyn" he said causing tears to well in my eyes "just get out of my sight" he instructed as he walked off to the kitchen. I ran to my bedroom with tears running down my face. I had never seen Will so angry before, not at me at least. I sat down on my bed as a world of emotions washed over me. Anger at being interrupted, sad that my brother probably now hated me, and not to mention fear at my probable impending death. I could hear Will on the phone to who I can only assume was Jay. Great. Jay is gonna flip when he finds out! Will is the calm brother, let's just put it that way!

I lied on my bed for what felt like hours, but in reality it was probably about forty minutes before I heard Jay come home,

"Gracelyn Halstead" his voice boomed "get you ass out here right now" he ordered in a commanding voice. I did as I was told and sheepishly left my bedroom and walked in tot he kitchen/living room were I was met by two furious big brothers.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asked seriously but I got the impression that it was more of a rhetorical question, "you're fifteen years old" he lectured, now in a terrifyingly calm voice.

"Did you at least use protection?" Will asked, seemingly much calmer than before,

"Nothing happened I swear" I said with pleading eyes, "not this time anyway" I said to myself, but unfortunately for me it did not go unheard,

"Excuse me?" Jay said, almost daring me to repeat what I'd said,

"I hope for your sake that we heard that wrong" Will added whilst crossing his arms across his chest. I stayed silent as I felt my brothers eyes burning in tot the top of my head,

"Has this happened before Gracelyn?" Will asked calmly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, preparing myself for the chaos that I was sure was about to erupt,

"Yes" I nodded "It's happened before" I confirmed, slightly ashamed of my actions,

"Has he been here before?" Jay asked and I nodded once again in conformation,

"Yes he has" I said tearfully,

"Unbelievable" Will said exasperatedly "you keep going on about how we don't trust you Gracie and yet when we do you break that trust" he lectured,

"Your grounded" Jay informed "and until we can trust you again you are to be with one of us at all times" he continued "no going out with your friends and definitely no going out with this little punk anymore" he finished,

"He's not a punk" I defended tearily "he's a nice guy" I said,

"How do you even know this kid?" Jay asked with a frown,

"He goes to my school" I said shyly, not wanting to give anymore information away,

"Oh yeah, what's his name?" Jay continued to interrogate me,

"James" I said simply,

"I don't remember you talking about a James before" Will commented with a frown "is he in your class?" He asked causing me to grow nervous,

"Not exactly" I said "He's a little older than me" I said hoping that they would drop the subject, but luck just want't on my side today,

"How much older?" Will asked as his stare hardened, I hesitated before answering,

"Three years older" I admitted,

"HE'S EIGHTEEN?!" Jay shouted causing a whole new set of tears to leave my eyes "you do realise that's illegal Gracelyn?!" He said quieter, but still fuming at the new information I had provided,

"Why would it be illegal?" I asked confused,

"You're a minor Gracie" Will explained "He is not!" He finished angrily. In that moment my world felt like it had come crashing down on me. Did James know this information? Was he just not telling me? Hd he used me?

"What's his last name Gracie?" Jay asked as he held his phone to his ear,

"Adams" I said as I snapped out of my daze "James Adams" I confirmed as Jay began to speak to Voight,

"Gracie" Will said as he sat down next to me and put a reassuring arm round my shoulder "did he force you to do this?" He asked carefully. I shook my head immediately,

"No" I said and I saw relief flash across his face "I feel so stupid" I cried as he sighed and pulled me in to his chest,

"Do you know where he lives?" Jay asked as he reappeared, but this time with Voight and Al behind him. I texted him the address that James had previously sent me and Jay nodded, "what are you gonna do?" I asked with a frown.

"Don't worry about it kid" Voight said with a wink as the three men left the apartment leaving me with Will.

"I'm really sorry Will" I cried,

"I know, your still grounded though" he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

We sat on the sofa for hours before Jay returned, throwing his jacket on to a chair before sitting down next to me on the sofa,

"Do you hate me?" I asked concerned. Jay smiled and pulled me in to his side,

"I could never hate you Gracie" He confirmed giving me a kiss on the head.

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