Gracie Needs Glasses

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Gracies POV (5 Years Old)

"I don't want glasses Will" I whined as my brother drove us both to the eye doctor,

"Well lets hope you don't need any then" He replied "but we need to find out why your struggling to see the board in class" he stated as he pulled up outside of a boring looking building and turned off the engine before turning round to look at me "look sweetie, I know you don't want glasses but they're there to help you" he said in an encouraging tone "come on, let's go see what they say first" he said as he got out of the car before opening my door and helping me out.

We crossed the busy road hand in hand and walked in to the building. It had multiple different desks scattered around the room and glasses covering the walls. We walked over to the reception desk where a cheery woman sat behind a computer,

"Hi, we've got an appointment with Dr Hastings at 1:15" Will said to the smiley woman,

"Ok, what's the name please?" She asked as she began to type on her computer,

"Gracelyn Halstead" my brother informed as the women nodded,

"Alright, if you would like to take a seat then Dr Hastings will call you shortly" she said as she gestured towards a cosy waiting area that was scattered with sofas and children's toys,

"Thank you" Will said as we walked to the waiting room and sat down "don't you wanna play?" Will asked me as I clung to his arm and shook my head silently "It'll be fine baby" he assured as he gave me a kiss on the top of my head "wanna read a book?" He asked as he looked down at me,

"Ok" I shrugged as I slipped off the sofa and selected a book from the pile on the coffee table before returning it to my brother who pulled me on to his lap and began to read me the story.

We didn't get very far in to the story before an older man appeared wearing a white coat, similar to the one I had seen Will wear at the hospital,

"Gracelyn Halstead?" He asked with a friendly smile as Will nodded and lifted me off his lap "Follow me" he instructed with a slight smile before leading my brother and I in to a separate room with a large chair in the middle and different posters on the wall "so Gracelyn, do you mind hopping in to this big chair for me?" He asked but I shook my head and clung to Will even tighter,

"Come on Gracie" Will encouraged "you sit down and I can stand right next to you, you can still hold my hand if you want" he urged. I nodded apprehensively and allowed Will to lift me on to the gigantic chair.

The eye doctor did some different tests on me where I had to read out the letters I could see on the wall in front of me whilst making me wear these funny looking glasses that he kept putting different circles in,

"So the good news is that your eyes are pretty good for the most part" he began as he sat down at his desk "I think it would be a good idea for us to give you some glasses just to help your eyes focus better on things that are closer to you as well as further away, ok?" He asked me as I nodded meekly, feeling Will give me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder,

"So will she have to wear them all the time?" Will asked. 'I really hope not' I thought to myself,

"Not at all" the doctor shook his head "she will only need to wear them when she feels her eyes getting tired or when she's doing any kind of school work to help her eyes focus better" he explained as Will nodded.

We headed back out to the main room where all the desks and glasses where,

"Here are all of the children's glasses" Dr Hastings said "take as long as you need and then when you've decided on a pair just let one of the assistants know" he said as he walked away and left me with Will to select a pair of glasses frames. Will knew I didn't want glasses and I could tell that he was trying to make me feel more exited about them.

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