First Period

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Gracies POV

I pulled my coat tighter around my frame in an attempt to protect myself from the harsh Chicago winter that was beating against my small body as I stood outside of the school gates, waiting for Jay to pick me up. I know I needed to tell them. But it's really embarrassing! These are the times I really wish I had a mom to talk to. I mean, who would want to have to tell their brothers they've started their period?! But I had no choice. I have no money and I don't know what the hell to buy! I think I'm gonna with and try and speak to Will about it. He might be a bit more understanding than Jay, what with him being a doctor. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jay pulling up and honking his horn to get my attention. I made my way over to my brothers truck and jumped in to the passenger seat,

"Hey, how was your day?" He asked as he set off back towards the station,

"It was fine" I answered quickly, anxious to avoid any prying questions. He took his eyes off the road to give me a suspicious look,

"You sure?" He questioned "you seem a bit off" I casually shrugged it off,

"I'm fine, just a bit tired" I lied trying to give him my best reassuring smile. It must have worked because he dropped the subject and he drove us to his work in a comfortable silence.

We walked side by side in to the district and up the stairs to the intelligence unit,

"You got any homework?" Jay asked as he sat down behind his desk,

"Yeah, I'll go do it now" I said, already knowing what he was going to tell me to do. I walked past the other desks, greeting the other detectives, and made my way in to the break room to begin my English homework.

I was sat tapping my pen lost in my thoughts, how can I concentrate when I'm feeling this uncomfortable. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Erin walk in to the break room,

"Gracie" she said waving her hand in front of me,

"Sorry, what?" I asked, slightly alarmed by her sudden appearance, she looked at me concerned.

"I said how are you getting on with your homework?" She said, obviously repeating what she had said to me before.

"Oh, sorry." I flapped "yeah fine" I said as I began to scribble random stuff on to my paper,

"You ok kid?" She asked, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder. Should I tell her? It would definitely be a lot easier to speak to her about it than Jay or Will.

"Its just..." I hesitated but continued when she sat down and gave me a reassuring look "I think, I mean I know" I stuttered "I started my period today." I said shyly.

"Wow" Erin replied "ok" she paused "what do you need?" She asked, placing her hand on mine. I shrugged my shoulders,

"That's the problem, I don't know" I said as tears began to fall down my cheeks.

"Hey don't cry" she said wiping the fallen tears from my cheeks "I'm gonna help you" she reassured "Ok?"

"Thanks" I said whole heartedly to the sister figure in front of me.

"It's ok hunny" she said kindly "now, grab your coat" she ordered "we're going to the store" she said. We made our way out of the break room and thought the bullpen,

"Gracie" Jay said looking up from his desk "where do you think you're going" he asked with a frown on his face. I was about to reply when Erin walked up and put her arm around me,

"I asked Gracie if she'd come to the store with me" she lied "I've got a lot of stuff to buy and I wouldn't be able to carry it all on my own."Jay nodded,

"Okay, don't be long because Will is picking you up soon, I'm gonna be working late" he explained. I nodded,

"Ok" I said as Erin and I left the district and walked to the store.

I let out a relived sigh as Erin and I stepped out of the store. I'm so glad she came with me, I would have no idea what the hell to buy!

"You ok kid?" She asked as we walked back to the district.

"It's just" I hesitated "I'm gonna have to tell Will and Jay" she sighed and put her arm around my shoulders

"Hey, I'll do it with you if you'd like" she offered. I smiled gratefully and I nodded,

"Thanks Erin" I said gratefully "for everything",she smiled,

"Don't mention it kid" she replied with a wink. We made our way back in to the district and up the stairs were Will was stood chatting to Jay.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" He asked with a smile, I froze not knowing what to do, but luckily for me, Erin was there to save me,

"Your sister just wants to talk to you about something" she informed my now confused looking brothers "don't you Gracie?" She encouraged. I snapped out of my daze and nodded,

"Yeah" I said, my brothers looked at me expectantly but I looked around the room which was filled with intrigued detectives.

"Why don't we go to the break room?" Erin suggested as she sent a pointed look towards Will and Jay.

We sat in silence for a couple of second before Jay broke the silence,

"Whats up Gracie? Are you ok?" He asked concerned. I nodded,

"Yeah I'm fine" I assured. Both of my brothers relaxed slightly,

"So what is it then?" Will asked curiously,

"Just, promise not to freak out" I said uncomfortably. My brothers shared concerned glances but nodded, agreeing to stay calm, "I started my period today" I said not looking either of them in their eyes. There was a short silence before Will spoke.

"Why would we freak out about that sweetheart?" Will asked, my head shot up in surprise and I shrugged my shoulders silently as tears began to pour from my eyes.

"Hey" jay said as he stood up "come here" he said as he wrapped his arms around me, "why are you crying?" He asked gently,

"I don't know" I admitted "it's just been a really weird day" I explained as I sat back down.

"I can understand why you didn't come to us about this Gracie, but we're always here if you need to talk about anything" Will explained as he used his thumb to wipe the stray tears from my cheeks,

"no matter how awkward or embarrassing it may me" Jay chimed in. I nodded, no longer feeling uncomfortable about the situation. "So I guess that's why you guys went to the store?" Jay asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded looking over at Erin who smiled at me.

"Did you get everything you need?" Will asked, I smiled before nodding,

"Yeah I did" I confirmed and Will nodded.

"You ok now" Jay asked, playfully messing up my hair,

"I'm fine Jay" I confirmed.

"Ok, well I've gotta get back to work, I'll see you when I get home" he said, thanking Erin as they left together.

"You sure you're ok?" Will asked, needing extra confirmation,

"Really Will, I'm fine, I promise" I confirmed.

"Ok, ready to go?" He asked as he picked up my backpack for me,

"Lets go" I said smiling.

I'm so glad that's over!

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