You Better Be Sick

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Gracies POV (7 Years Old)

"Rise and shine sunshine" Jay announced as he walked in to my bedroom and turned the light on.

"Urgh" I groaned as I turned to hide my face in my pillow "five more minutes" I said in to my pillow.

"No can do kiddo" Jay denied before pulling the covers from on top of me "c'mon, up and at em" he repeated.

"Ohhh" I groaned as I pulled my knees up to my chest in a bid to keep some of the warmth that had now been stripped away from me "I don't wanna go to school" I complained.

"It's school Gracie, nobody wants to go" he replied "now get out of bed" he ordered but I shook my head silently "one" he began to count making my groans increase "two" he continued as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Urgh, fine!" I exclaimed before sitting up and reluctantly climbing out of my bed "happy now?" I asked making him raise an unimpressed eyebrow at me.

"Sit yourself back down" he demanded and I quickly did as I was told.

"Stand up sit down, god make your mind up" I huffed.

"Let's not start the day off like this. Drop the attitude and change the tone" he warned.

"Yes sir" I mumbled "can I go get breakfast now" I sighed and he nodded.

"Go on" he said.

With a heavy sigh I walked down the hall and towards the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie" Will greeted with a smile.

"Will, I don't feel good" I whined as I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

"What do you mean?" He frowned in concern "c'mere" he instructed before putting his hand on my forehead.

"My tummy hurts" I lied.

"Well you don't feel warm" he commented "why don't you have some breakfast and see how you feel after that" he suggested and I nodded with fake sadness.

Will made me some scrambled eggs and I slowly cleared my plate, continuing the poorly act.

"How do you feel now?" Will asked as he took my plate from in front of me.

"My tummy still hurts" I whined "I don't think I can go to school" I added.

"Are you sure this isn't just you trying to get a day off school?" He questioned sceptically.

"Day off school?" Jay asked as he walked in and poured himself a cup of coffee "I already told you Gracelyn, you are going to school" he reminded firmly.

"She says she has stomach ache" Will informed making Jay scoff in amusement.

"Yeah, and I've grown koala feet" he said sarcastically.

"It's true" I stomped my feet. I can't believe they aren't falling for my lie!

"Have you had breakfast?" He asked, ignoring my previous foot stomp.

"Yes" I mumbled through my frown.

"Then you have twenty minutes to go get ready for school before you're gonna be back here, bag in hand and shoes on, ready to leave" he said firmly.

"NO!" I screamed, stomping my foot once again "I don't wanna go" I repeated frustratedly.

"You are going to school Gracelyn" Jay snapped "wether you go with a sore butt is your choice, but either way, you're going" he lectured.

"That's not fair" I cried with an annoyed frown "I said I don't feel good" I lied once again.

"Well you seem to feel good enough to be throwing a tantrum" Will said matter of factly.

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