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Gracies POV (16 Years Old)

I walked in to the ED and greeted Maggie on my way to the doctors lounge,

"Hey Maggie" I greeted with a smile,

"Hey Gracie, your brother's upstairs, you need me to page him?" She asked but I shook my head with a smile,

"It's fine" I said "he knew I was coming" I finished and she nodded. The doctors lounge was empty when I got there and put my backpack not he sofa before flopping down next to it and pulling my phone out to text Jay,

Me: I just got to med

Jay: Ok, what time do you start rehearsals?

Me: 7:30pm

Jay: I'll come by at 7:00pm to pick you up

Me: You sure? I can just walk

Jay: I don't want you walking on your own, be ready

Me: Ok

I finished texting Jay and looked up at the clock that read 4:45pm and got my laptop and school books out in an attempt to catch up on the work I was behind on, trying to ignore the rumbling in my stomach. I normally go home and make myself dinner before coming to the ED and doing my school work, but today I had used that time to try and memorise some of my lines. I wouldn't be able to do it later because I had rehearsals until 10pm so this is my only opportunity. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't stressed out at the moment, what with learning lines and trying to keep on top of school work I was slowly burning out. Of course Will and Jay had no idea that any of this was going on because if they did I would get another lecture about prioritising my schoolwork over the show, but this is the first time I have ever been cast as the principal girl in anything and I was determined not to screw it up.

"Hey, sorry Gracie I was upstairs with a patient" Will said as he came in to the doctors lounge,

"It's fine, don't worry" I smiled as he walked over and kissed the top of my head,

"Good day?" He asked and I nodded absentmindedly,

"It was normal" I admitted as I continued to focus most of my attention on my English homework,

"You've got rehearsals tonight right?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation,

"Yeah, Jay's picking me up at 7pm" I informed and he nodded,

"Ok good" he said as he went to leave the room "I assume you've already eaten?" He asked and I hesitated before nodding silently before Will turned and left to continue his work. Hey don't judge me! What he doesn't know can't hurt him, and it's not like I do it all the time. It was just today so I could catch up on my work.

Time must have gone by without me noticing because the next thing I knew Jay was walking in the the doctors lounge,

"Gracie, I told you to be ready" I lightly scolded as my head shot up in surprise,

"Oh sorry, didn't realise what time it was" I said as I began to pack up my stuff and put them in to my backpack unceremoniously before standing up quickly. Perhaps too quickly. My vision began to blur and my head began to spin,

"You good?" I could hear Jay asking me but my eyes wouldn't focus on him. It felt like the room began to spin as I felt my legs go from under me. I felt Jays arms grab me before I hit the floor as he shouted,

"Can I get some help in here please" he began shaking me and saying my name but I could feel him becoming more distant until everything went black.

"Gracie" I heard a voice over the loud ringing in my ears "Gracie open your eyes for me sweetie" 'Will?' I thought but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. The ringing in my ears began to subside as I forced my eyes to flicker open to see Will and Jay stood at either side of the bed. Wait, how did I get here? The last thing I remember I was in the doctors lounge talking to Jay. I felt panic rise in me as I sat up and made an attempt to get off the bed only to be stopped by Jay,

"Woah careful kiddo" he said as he held me by my shoulders,

"Everything's fine Gracie just sit back for me ok?" Will urged and I nodded, sitting back on the bed,

"What happened?" I asked confused when I noticed the IV sticking out of my arm connected to a bag of fluids,

"You fainted" Jay informed and my face dropped. I knew it was because I had skipped lunch and dinner today. They're gonna kill me!

"How do you feel?" Will asked with a concerned frown,

"I dunno" I admitted "a little bit dizzy I suppose" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok, I'm gonna get Ethan to run a few tests on you just to make sure that it's nothing more serious ok?" He asked as he went to leave the room,

"No wait" I said as Will and Jay looked at me with confusion on their eyes "I know why it happened" I admitted nervously,

"Go on" Will urged curiously as I fiddled with my fingers,

"Just, promise not to be mad" I asked hopefully to which they both raised their eyebrows at, knowing that it was obviously something that they wouldn't like,

"Just tell us Gracie" Jay said with a frustrated sigh as Will crossed his arms over his chest,

"I may or may not have skipped lunch" I admitted sheepishly "and dinner" I finished to which both of my brothers shook their heads angrily,

"Why would you do that Gracie?" Will asked with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, probably both of them immediately thinking I had developed an eating disorder,

"I promise it's not what you think, it's the first time it's happened" I informed,

"Then what is it then?" Jay asked,

"I was just to busy" I admitted "I had all of my lines to learn and I had schoolwork to catch up on" I finished as I looked up at my two now extremely pissed off brothers,

"Thats not an excuse to skip meals Gracie" Will said as Jay nodded in agreement,

"Gracie, if doing this show is leaving you with so little time then you're gonna have to drop out" He said causing my eyes to widen,

"No please don't make me do that" I pleaded "you know how much I love it" I said causing Jay to sigh once again,

"I know you do Gracie but you need to prioritise your health and your school work" he added,

"I promise that it won't happen again, I just need to get over this set of work and then I'll be fine" I pleaded "I just got a bit behind, that's all" I said with pleading eyes causing my brothers to look at each other sceptically.

"Okay fine, but you have to promise that you won't leave yourself to get into this state again" Will said sternly,

"I won't I promise" I said honestly,

"Well you're not going tonight af-" I cut Will off,

"I can't miss it Will" I begged but he shook his head,

"This isn't up for discussion Gracelyn" he said firmly "your not going tonight, you can't go around singing and dancing after you just passed out" he said with a pointed stare,

"Are you hungry?" Jay asked and I nodded truthfully "We'll stop by a diner on the way home so you can eat something, ok?" He asked and I nodded,

"I want you to have something sugary before you can go" Will said as he disappeared and returned a few seconds later with a can of Pepsi "Drink this then you can go" he instructed as I did as I was told.

Once I had finished the drink I was allowed to leave with Jay and we stopped off at a diner on the way home. I had a cheeseburger and fries which Jay made me eat all of, but I was too hungry not to have done so anyway. Jay decided that we would spend the weekend working through my homework that I had neglected for too long together, so I could start a fresh on Monday. Once we got home I had texted some of my theatre friends to tell them I was ill before watching a movie with Jay, Will joining us halfway through when he returned from work. Before I went to bed they lectured me once again about keeping on top of my work and making sure I was looking after myself before giving me the faithful promise that if it happened again, I wouldn't be allowed to do the show. That was enough to make me make sure it didn't happen again.

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