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"Wynona, truth or dare?"

The young raven haired girl smirked at her fellow marauder from across the circle the five of them made up in the astronomy tower. Visiting the breezy tower on the first night at Hogwarts was a yearly tradition for the five young Gryffindors after they first did so in their second year and now it was something they were more excited for than the welcoming feast. "Truth."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "You never pick dare when I ask you!"

Wynona, Remus and James all giggled at the Black heirs whines. "Well maybe if you didn't always dare her to take off her shirt or snog you every time she would." James teased.

"Whatever," Sirius grumbled as he looked deep into her eyes, thinking of what he could ask. "What's your deepest, darkest secret?" The other three boys let out a chorus of 'ooos' as they turned their attention from the ladies man of the group to the only girl who seemed to be able to resist him. Even now, at fourteen Sirius had their female classmates batting their eyelashes at him when ever he was around them.

Sitting straighter, Wynona squared her shoulders and smiled, "My deepest, darkest secret is that I know somebody else's deepest darkest secret and I've finally found a way to help him." She answered vaguely, hoping this was going to come up at some point in their night.

Remus paled while the other three's excitement doubled and they all leaned in closer. "What is it?" Peter asked, while James asked who it was. Remus looked around at his friends nervously as he wiped his now sweaty hands on his pyjama pants.

"Is it that Remus is a virgin and your way of helping him is that your gonna shag him and that's why your in a housecoat?" Sirius asked, his eyes almost as big as the grin covering the bottom half of his face.

Everyone stopped and stared at Sirius with expressions ranging from annoyance to disbelieve to slight anger. "What?" he shrugged. He knew his friends all noticed Wynona's body was rapidly turning from one of a young girls to a young woman's and wouldn't mind seeing so themselves. Except maybe James but even with his love for Lily he was still a guy.

"No, Sirius. And for what its worth if that was what I was talking about I wouldn't shag him with an audience." Wynona explained with an eye roll as she stood from her spot. "I did only wear a housecoat and my nickers for a reason though." She told them once again grabbing their focus as she slid her underwear off her body under her robe so they wouldn't see anything. With one final look to her best friends in the whole world, she smiled, "Try not to freak out and keep in mind that I will have full control of myself and be able to still understand you guys." Turning around, Wynona opened her robe and let it fall to the ground as she shifted from her human form to that of a large, black panther. When she turned to face them again, she took in their shocked expressions happily.

"You became an animagus." Remus whispered, making the other three boys look to him, their shock still covering their faces.

Wynona ignored James, Sirius and Peter as she nodded to the werewolf in front of her. When Remus' mouth finally broke into a wide smile, Wynona walked over to him, lowered herself onto the cold stone floor and placed her head on his lap; telling him without her words that she knew what he was and did this for him.

"She turned into a giant cat." James muttered as he stared at the young girl he thought he knew better than he even knew himself. "I don't understand."

Remus took a deep breath and started running his hands down Wynona's head absentmindedly. The purr that escaped her throat caught all their attention though, making Remus' smile grow while the other three chuckled. "Before I came to Hogwarts and met you guys, I was bitten by a werewolf." He told them hesitantly.

Moony, Purry, Padfoot & ProngsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz