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"A toast!" Wynona exclaimed as she looked around the table at her three fellow marauders. "To Moony for getting hired at Hogwarts!" She paused while James and Sirius raised their glasses and Remus blushed. "To Padfoot, for completing his first week at Gringotts as a curse breaker!" She paused again when Sirius sat a little straighter while the other two Wizards raised their glasses to him. "And finally to Prongs, who has finished his auror training and will start his career next Monday!"

James, being the dramatic git he is, stood and took a bow while the others cheers'd him. "And let's not forget the marvellous Miss Purry who some how still manages to run her home business and take care of us while she's eight a half months pregnant with twins!"

"Yes! I mean look at this spread!" Sirius exclaimed as his grey eyes skimmed over the table filled with all their favourite dishes.

Wynona blushed and started dishing up, "Well potions always did come easy to me and having a potions lab in the basement helps. And as for the meal, it's our first official night in our new home so I wanted to do something special."

James nodded, "I have a good feeling about tonight." He told them as he followed Wynona's lead and began dishing up. Not long after the death of his beloved wife, he moved in with his best friends so they could better help take care of his son. After months of staring at the house that he was supposed to share with the love of his life, the marauders decided to move into a much larger home that would fit all their children.

"Really? I have a bad one." Remus replied as he grabbed the rawest steak.

"Why?" Wynona and Sirius asked together.

James cleared his throat, "I just feel like tonights the night were going to finally win. Voldemort's going to die and were going to be safe."

"See I feel like something big is going to happen and were not going to be able to stop it, or we'll miss it, or something. I don't know what I just." Remus paused to think, "It feels like an itch I can't scratch."

Wynona set her water down and grabbed the werewolf's hand. "Everything's going to be okay Moony, you'll all watch each other's backs and once your done, I'll be here waiting for you."

Remus shook his head, "I don't get the feeling when I think about the mission tonight Purry, I get it when I think about you."

"Nothings going to happen to me. The wards are set so no one but you three and a select few Order members we know we can trust can get in."

Sirius looked worried, "Maybe we shouldn't all go tonight, or we'll bring you to a safe house."

"This is a safe house and your all going. Harry and I will be fine here." Purry argued.

"If anything happens, and I mean anything Wynona, you send the three of us a patronus. I don't care if it's something small like bloody heart burn from this amazing meal you made us, we'll come back." James told her, staring deep in her eyes.

The extremely pregnant woman took a deep breath and nodded, silently promising to let them know if she needed even the smallest thing. The rest of their meal was accompanied by laughter and smiles, none of them knew why but something about being in Potter Manor, which they renamed to Marauder Manor when they decided to move in, made them feel like they did when they were safe kids in Hogwarts.

"Gods I'm stuffed!" Sirius declared as he slouched in his chair once their meal was finished.

Remus chuckled, "Well yeah you ate more than Purry did and she's eating for three!" The werewolf teased, making everyone laugh.

"It was just so good I couldn't stop!" Sirius hummed honestly, defending himself.

Prongs shook his head, "It was good Purs, you truly outdid yourself on this one."

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