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"Turner!" A deep voice called from across the hall Wynona was walking down as she left her advanced potions class.

Turning to look, the raven haired witch was surprised to see a group of Slytherins smirking at her as they looked her over. Cocking an eyebrow and walking closer, Wynona asked, "What do you want Montague?"

The tall brunette shrugged, "I heard a rumour and would like you to tell me if it's true or not." He replied, making the other three chuckle darkly.

"Alright." She said, her head held high as she crossed her arms.

"Word around the halls is that you and your little band of blood traitors are illegal animagus." The Slytherin spit out like the marauders were below them.

Wynona hid her shock with a laugh, "And where did you hear such a thing like that?"

The three wizards who stood behind Montague all looked between themselves while their apparent leader replied. "Does it really matter?"

"No, because its not true." She told him in a strong voice, "Unlike you bloody death eaters, we don't break the law."

At her words, all four Slytherins stood straighter, dropped their smiles and looked pissed. "You shut your mouth you dirty little bitch!" Theo spit at her.

The Gryffindor smirked, "What's wrong Nott? Did I strike a nerve?"

"You better watch your back Turner, it'd be a shame if one of the precious marauders got hurt." Montague told her as he walked past her, purposefully hitting her shoulder with his arm as he passed.

Once she was alone, Wynona turned around and walked back to the potions lab and pulled out her textbook. The lab would be empty for lunch, leaving her with time to create the potion she needed to find how exactly how those bloody Slytherins knew about her being an animagus.


Running into defence against the dark arts, Wynona smiled at her friends. "You lot have any plans for tonight?"

James went to open his mouth when Remus cut him off, "We were gonna sit in the common room to do homework but we all know James is just gonna stare at Lily from across the room and Sirius is gonna bug him about it which will distract the rest of us so no not really. Why?"

"Excuse me!" James exclaimed, "I can study without getting distracted by Lily!"

"No, Moony's right, you do always get distracted by her, especially now that your dating." Peter told them sheepishly, making the others laugh which then made him blush. Anyone with eyes could see how much the youngest member of the group loved the positive reactions he got from his friends, almost like he needed it.

Wynona shook her head and took a seat beside Remus, "Well forget about all that, the five of us are going to the room of requirements for drinks."

"Just us?" James asked.

"Why not make it a party Purry?" Sirius asked her, his own facial expression matching James' as the two got excited over the topic of having drinks.

Wynona just shook her head, "No, marauders night, just the five of us."

While James and Sirius looked slightly disappointed at the denial of having a full blown party, Peter looked thrilled, he always seemed to awkward at parties but comfortable with his four best mates. Remus smiled and nodded in agreement with the girls words, "We havent had a night just the five of us in a while."

"We did last week!" James tried to argue.

Remus and Wynona both looked to him with eyebrows cocked, "Full moons dont could Prongs, that's our night with Moony, not Remus." The girl explained.

Moony, Purry, Padfoot & ProngsWhere stories live. Discover now