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Wynona tried and failed to hold back tears as she watched the mini version of her best friend set his trunk next to the train that had taken her to and from school time and time again, before he climbed aboard. It seemed like just yesterday she was helping his mother and her late friend Lily Potter deliver him, how was it time for him to attend Hogwarts already?

She didn't feel old, nor did it feel like it had been that long since she was attending Hogwarts until she stood here, watching her eldest as he started his lessons there that she realized it had actually been a long time.

"Mom are you really crying right now?" Lilian asked with humour in her voice, making the rest of their party look to her.

The raven haired woman sniffled and wiped the salty tears from her face. "I just can't believe he's leaving already!" she cried out, not even trying to hide her sadness.

Remus chuckled as he pulled the mother of his children into his arms, "You know he'll be okay." He told her as he smiled at the other two marauders with them. He knew she was going to get emotional over this.

"And even if he's not Moony will be there to pick him up and dust him off." Sirius told her as he rubbed comforting circles her back.

"I'm just not ready!" She cried, making her children, all of whom inherited her sass, roll their eyes while James walked over and got into her line of sight.

"I know Purry, I'm not either. But he is and as his parents that's the best we can hope for." Prongs told her in a soft voice. When Harry was born he thought it would be Lily he'd be comforting like this and even though she was gone, he was glad his son had a motherly figure who cared enough to cry like this.

Wynona wiped her eyes on Remus' shirt, sniffled and then glared at her fellow marauder. "When the hell did you become so wise?" she asked, trying to hide her smile because she knew he was right.

James opened his mouth to speak but Sirius' yelling caught their attention. "Leo no!"

Turning to see what the youngest of their little family was doing, Remus, Wynona and James laughed when they saw Sirius pulling Leo off the train after he tried to follow Harry. The youngest boy always looked up to his older siblings but especially looked to Harry who always got to do everything first since he was the oldest.

"But I wanna go too!" The little black haired boy cried without looking away from the train in hopes of seeing Harry one more time before he was gone til Yule.

"You can't." Sirius told him through his smile as they made their way back to the group. Parents they passed smiled at them as they walked, some even chuckled at the child who tried to leave for school early.

Leo pulled back from his dads chest, crossed his arms over his own chest and looked into his dads eyes which were in line with his own since he was being carried. "Why?" He demanded to know, bringing more chuckles from anyone who was close enough to hear.

Wynona smiled and rubbed the side of her youngest son's face once they were close enough for her to do so, "Because your only four my little love."

"Me and the twins aren't even going and were all older that you." Regulas told his younger brother in a told-you-so tone.

"Yeah!" The twins agreed in perfect sync, making the adults chuckle some more, further lightening their mothers somber mood.

"Alright, I have to go or I'll miss the train" Remus told everyone with a sad smile, knowing this wouldn't be easy for the three marauders who had to say goodbye. Especially Wynona who was already upset over Harry going.

Remus was quick to hug James, then Sirius and then Wynona before turning to give a quick embrace to each of the remaining children, promising to write often and then rushing to the front cart where all the other teachers traveling from London sat. Every year they would all go to set up and prepare the school early but some, like Remus, who had children attending would come back the day before and then ride the train on the first.

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