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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
September 1st, 1998

"Leonardo Black." The strong voice of Minerva McGonagall called out loud enough for everyone in the great hall to hear.

Leo took a deep breath after finally hearing his name being called out and with his head held high, just like his mum told him it always should be, he made his way to the stool and that that would determine his time at Hogwarts. Once he was sat cofortably on it, his 'Aunt Minny' placed the hat on his head and waited patiently for his sorting, hoping he would be in her house.

'Hmm, another Black eh?' The hat's voice danced though the youngest of Wynona's children's head. 'I see many things in you dear boy, many things in deed. In fact, you may just the the most difficult of all the marauder children to sort.'

'Really?' Leo thought back as he looked around the hall at his siblings. The twins sat towards the back of the Slytherin table with the rest of the seventh year students, their emerald ties bringing out the colour of their pale green eyes that matched their mother's. Regulas was more towards the middle of his house table leaning forward slightly in excitement to see where his brother was sorted, surrounded by his friends in their sea of blue and bronze. Unfortunately Harry graduated in June and wasn't sitting at the Gryffindor table anymore, but it didn't stop the young boy from looking to the sea of red anyway.

'Oh yes.' The hat replied, bringing the boy from his thoughts. 'Your a brave little one with a strong heart which would make you an excellent Gryffindor like the younger mister Potter that bid you farewell when you and the others left for school. You always admired the way your mother and uncle Remus would win arguments with their intelligence and you strive to be able to do the same; the drive to learn would make you an excellent Ravenclaw like Regulas but that much ambition points you towards Slytherin like your twin sisters Lilian and Minerva.'

'So it's between those three then?' The young boy asked, a little surprised nothing was said about the final house. 

'They are hard to ignore but what outshines those qualities of yours, is your loyalty, work ethic and kind heart. Those three things are the pillars that hold up all that you are. Although you would be fine in any of the Hogwarts houses, I would be a fool to place you anywhere but Hufflepuff my dear boy, and a fool I am not!'

Before Leo could even process the hat's words, he heard the loud decree that he belonged in Hufflepuff. As Minerva pulled the old hat from his head with a slight frown, Leo's grey eyes met with Regulas' proud ones and then went in search of Lily and Minerva's pale green ones and once he saw that not one of his present siblings were disappointed or upset, he got off the stool and ran to the table hosting the bright yellow and black ties that he would soon be able to wear as well.

After the feast was finished and everyone was headed to their dorms, Leo was dragged from the heard of Hufflepuffs and was happy to find himself surrounded by his siblings.

Minerva, who was slightly more affectionate than her twin, quickly brought her youngest bother into a tight hug. "Congratulations on becoming a badger little brother!" She exclaimed before she released him and he was pulled into Lilian's arms.

"We knew that's where you belonged." She told him with a smile on her face that made the young boy wonder if she'd made a bet with someone on what house he'd get into. Knowing the twins it wasn't unlikely.

When the youngest Black heir was free he looked between the twins, "I was worried you guys would be disappointed." He confessed as Regulas threw an arm over his shoulders, hugging him to his side.

"Of course not!" The older brother exclaimed with a chuckle that he shared with their sisters, "Like the girls said, we knew you'd end up there, and regardless of what house your in, your still our little brother."

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