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"Are we sure we should surprise them?" Leo asked as him and his siblings got ready to apparate to their parents home.

Harry furrowed his brows, "It was your idea." He pointed out, unsure about why his youngest brother would be concerned now, this surprise was months in the making now.

Leo rolled his eyes, "No, I mean about just showing up. What if they're doing stuff?"

"Well I doubt they just sit around staring at the walls when were not there." Regulas told his younger brother, making the others all laugh. "But at least with it being a full moon tonight we know they'll be home."

"No I mean like," The youngest sibling paused, "Sex stuff." At his words, the other four instantly groaned and playfully gave him shit. "What?" He asked, defending himself, "They're still young, they might be!"

Regulas shrugged, "Then good for them, if I'm not still getting any when I'm their age I'm offing myself." He shuttered as if a sexless life was the worst thing imaginable.

The twins rolled their eyes. "Let's go." They told their brothers together, excited for the night they would have. 

Once all five marauder children were holding hands, they apparated right into their parents living room, scaring James and Sirius out of their chess game in the process.

Once the kids calmed down from their laughter, Sirius pulled the girls into hugs while James gave them shit. "How many times have I told you guys not to sneak up on me! I'm a bloody auror for Godrick's sake!"

"So am I." Harry reminded his father with a smirk.

"And you'd never hurt us." Lillian added, remembering all the times they'd scared their parents in the past.

Before James could go on another rant about how acciedents happen, Wynona and Remus burst threw the door, wands ready.

"Nice of you two to show up." Minerva teased, moving towards her parents for a hug.

Their mother cocked an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as she put her wand away and hugged her kids.

"We could have killed them both before you showed up." Lillian replied in the same tone he twin used a second ago.

Remus shook his head and smiled as he started pulling his kids into hugs, "Why did you guys show up? I know we didn't make plans for today."

"Because it's a full moon." Regulas told him with excitement covering his face.

"And the four of us have to leave." Sirius reminded him, looking just as confused as his fellow marauders.

Leo chuckled, "Just sit down, all of you." He demanded happily as he lead his mom to the couch.

Once the four adults were seated either on the couch seats or the arm like Sirius was, their kids moved the coffee table and lined up in front of their parents. "Ready?" Harry asked them excitedly, feeling like a child on their birthday.

"Honestly I'm a little scared." Wynona confessed, making Sirius and James chuckle.

"I'm more worried than scared." Remus told her with a playful smile.

The twins rolled their eyes, "Your both fine." They told their parents before turning to their siblings. "Now!" They yelled.

Right before their eyes, the marauders watched their five children turn into animals, revealing that they had become animagi just like their parents had all those years ago.

"Is anyone else not surprised the twins are crows?" Sirius asked, being the first to break the silence they all fell into with their shock.

"Why?" Wynona asked, looking from the boys to where he daughters stood moments before.

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