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Wynona banged a fist on the door before she leaned against it and shouted, "Y'all better have pants on, I'm coming in!" But before she could even stop leaning against the painted wood, the door was ripped open and she fell into Sirius' waiting arms with a small yelp.

"I always knew you'd fall for me Purry, it was just a matter of time." The Black heir exclaimed in an overly cocky tone as he smirked at the girl hovering above the ground in his arms.

Remus and James rolled their eyes before the former went back to tying the latter's tie. "Oh let her up and finish getting ready." Remus chuckled.

"Yeah!" Wynona called out through her giggle before Sirius raised her back up, "And why'd you say that like your the only one I've fallen for Padfoot?" She teased before dancing towards James and Remus.

James cocked a brow as Remus finished with his tie, "You all know I love you three and support you all in anything but how does that work exactly? I've never asked but always wondered."

"What do you mean?" Wynona asked as Remus and Sirius looked to one another and then her to explain everything to the groom.

"Well," James started thoughtfully, "What is this for you guys? Is Wynona dating both of you? Are all three of you all dating each other? Is it just sex?"

Wynona frowned a little before she replied, "Well we've never actually talked about it but it's more than just sex for me."

"It's more than just sex for me as well. I know we've never talked about it but I didn't think we really needed too." Remus confessed with a bashful shrug, "We just fell into this amazing rhythm that worked really well for us."

Sirius nodded in agreement, "I just assumed we were doing one of those poly relationship things."

Wynona smiled and nodded her head, making her curls bounce. "We're a triad."

"Is there anything else you weren't sure of?" Remus asked James who had a soft smile covering his face.

James looked down for a minute before he looked back up, his eyes dancing between his three best friends. "You're all happy and comfortable with this?" When all three nodded, smiles on their faces, James' own smile grew and he nodded once. "Then no, I know all I need to mate."

"Good, then can we go out there and get you married before Lily changes her mind?!" Wynona teased with a laugh when James' face became serious.

The groom to be rolled his eyes after a moment of thought and self reassurance. "My Lily wouldn't do that, she loves me."

Remus slapped him playfully on the shoulder, "Yeah but she loves order and punctuality more so we should get a move on."

Nodding in agreement, Wynona kissed each of her men on the lips, James on the cheek and ran from the room so she could join Lily and let her know they were finally ready to go.

Just like Lily planned, the ceremony was absolutely beautiful. To honour her muggle side, the bride and groom wrote their own vows which were shared with one another and all their guests before the wizard who bound them preformed the actual ceremony to bind their souls. Many of the guests present, Wynona especially, cried through basically the whole thing. Watching James and Lily get married, everyone could see the obvious love they shared and would share until their dying breaths.

During the reception, Wynona cried through her speech to the new couple, and then again during their first dance, and then again when she got a moment to catch up with them after all the important dances were over and she got to congratulate them. To no shock at all, the male marauders teased the poor girl relentlessly for how bad she let her emotions get the best of her, but she didn't care. Her best friends finally got married, had a son on the way, and she, Remus and Sirius were about to give them the best wedding gift anyone could ever give.  

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