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"Think she'll actually go out with you this year?" Purry asked as she watched James watch Lily walk past their compartment on the train to find one of her own, Severus Snape not far behind her.

"If not theres always theres always next year." The raven haired boy hummed.

Wynona looked to the mousy boy next to James and gave him a sad smile when he gave her a worried look. None of the other marauders could understand how James could be so patient with the ginger he had his eyes on, and they feared what would happen if she never gave him a chance.

Shaking her head, the young witch shifted in her seat so she was leaning against Sirius, who didn't hesitate to adjust himself so he would be comfier for the girl to rest against, and facing Remus. "I have an idea."

Before Remus could answer, Sirius flicked the back of her head. "Why face away from me then?"

"Because the magical side of this is going to be more on Remus and I than you guys." She replied before she dropped her head back to actually look him in the eye, "Plus I like cuddling with you." she winked, making him forget he was annoyed with her. Sirius flirted with Wynona constantly but what she didn't know, was that if given the chance, he'd make her his in a heart beat.

Remus chuckled as he leaned against the window to face her, "Alright Miss Purry, what's your idea?"

"We should make a map!" She exclaimed excitedly, gaining the attention of Peter who was focusing more on unwrapping his candy than the conversation, and James who was looking out the window while he thought of Lily.

"Of what?" Remus asked.


Sirius chuckled, "You'd think going into her fifth year she'd be able to find her way around by now." He thought out loud making the other three boys laugh.

Wynona rolled her pale green eyes, "Ha ha, very funny."

"Well come on love, we don't really need a map of a school we live in and know every inch of." Remus told her as he rubbed her thigh in a way that looked comforting to everyone else but made him just a little more excited then he'd like to admit. He was the only one who understood James' undying love for Lily as thats what he had for Wynona; unlike James and Lily though, Nona didn't know it.

The girl huffed, "Alright, I didn't even tell you guys why this map was special or what I wanted to use it for but thats fine." She moaned out dramatically.

"Wel-" James started before she cut him off with a loud, depressed groan.

"It would have changed our lives as misfits and pranksters as we know it!" She cried out much louder than she needed to in the small, enclosed compartment.

"So te-" Sirius tried to speak as well but she cut him off as well.

Going limp and throwing her arm over her face dramatically, Wynona cried out again. "And not just our lives!" She yelled. "But the lives of every adventurous, fun loving youth who aspire to be like us once were graduated and changing the world!"

As Remus went to go speak, James watched Wynona see him open his mouth from the corner of her eye and went to cut him off as well so James grabbed the chocolate frog Peter just finished unwrapping and shoved it in her mouth so she couldn't speak.

"Thanks mate." Remus nodded to James before turning to the girl who struggled to chew the chocolate frog in her mouth. "Now, you know you've caught our attention and obviously were in so when you swallow, would you kindly explain your idea better?"

Moony, Purry, Padfoot & ProngsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz