Chapter 33

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"Jackson, pass the butter?" Mrs. Harwood asks. The restaurant that's not D'Agostinos is busy. Really busy. Like, I've never seen this place so full. There's a fucking line by the front door. Two brthdays're definitely happening right now, and something loud's happening in the backroom.

Lightning flashes outside, and the lights flicker for a second, but we don't really care. We're just glad to be out of the Cottage. Dad cancelled out "Start of Summer" barbecue because it began raining. I think he also forgot because he's been getting back to back calls from work since basically getting here.

Three days of being stuck in the Cottage because of constant rain kinda makes people a little stir crazy.

Again, we're glad to be out. I think we're all getting a little sick of each other.

They have an open bar, so Mom and Mrs. Harwood're happy.

Rory and I're sitting next to each other. We look at each other once in a while, but it's like we're strangers. It hurts.

I grab his hand under the table.

He looks at me.

Public places in movies've taught me that my parents and his won't cause a scene. "Mom, Dad?"

Dad leans over the table, and his food, and asks, "What?" The restaurant's loud.

I stand up a little to lean over the table, too. Rory's hand slips out of mine. "I, uh..." I swallow. "I got somethin' to say."

Mom smiles and leans in a little closer. "Yes, Jackson?"

Even the Harwoods're leaning in.

"I, um...okay, I'm kinda – "

"God, fuck, spit out out, Princess," Rory spits, cutting his chicken with more force. "You're boring me."

"Language, Rory," Mom sighs. "You know how I feel about that language."

He fucking winks at her. "Sorry, Mrs. R." Rory tuns to me. "Sorry, let me rephrase. Say it before you bore me to death."

I just stare.

"...Jackson?" asks Mr. Harwood.

"I...sorry." I lean onto Rory's armrest, glaring. "I'd like an apology from you."

"Ooo, fancy word from you."

"I'd like an apology from you. What you did was not cool. If I did that to you, you would've punched me hard in the face. Say sorry."

Rory scoffs at me, but doesn't break eye contact.

"I'd like to keep our truce in check," I spit. "Enough bullshit's happened – "

"Jackson," Mom sighs.

"Enough's happened this year that'd make me wanna really beat you to a pulp. Say sorry."

Rory groans, hands strangling something, and hisses, "Sorry," at me.

I turn away. I close my mouth and shake my head. Then I smile and say, "N-never mind, guys. I'll tell you, another time."

His dad's already leaning over. "Rory, behave."

Rory stands up. "Need some fresh air." And he stomps out.

Mr. Harwood sighs and sits back down. "Sorry, Jackson."

I look at him and shake my head. I wanna tell them not to worry about it, but...I can't.

After a moment, the conversation picks back up between our parents.

I'm so tired.

~ ~ ~

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