Chapter 37

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Evan: okay so this is kind of weird to write and i don't know how to draft things like this but okay
Evan: here goes
hi. i'm evan Garcia. i go to rory's school. and he's done some pretty shitty stuff to me and Caleb this past year that i feel like you should know.
lmk when u can talk

Evan: hey. don't know if u got my messages. there's some stuff about rory i think u should know

Evan: helloooooooo???????

Jackson: Hi. sorry, i've been trying to get off facebook this summer. The year's been kinda horrible
Jackson: What's up?

That's a stupid thing to ask. You know what he's gonna say.

Evan: okay wow hi how's ur summer been?

Weird. Really fucking weird. Annoying. Awesome? I don't know.

Evan: so i'm just going to cut to the chase because i don't think you want to be staring at a phone for five hours
Evan: hahah jk rory's told us stories about where u are it sounds like hell
Evan: but yeah
Evan: what do u know already?

Just that y'all got a weird thing going on.

Jackson: that something happened last year and during spring break that stopped y'all from being friends. And that its happened before.

Evan: oh good u don't know the half of it

I've made a huge mistake.

Evan: and before u ask
Evan: no we're not like seeking revenge because we both like him
Evan: i mean we do both like him
Evan: but he is a literal sack of shit
Evan: honestly, after what he did this year, u can have him

Oh my God, dude.

Jackson: What'd he do?

Evan: haha god this is a fucked up story
Evan: so rory's kind of our fuck buddy
Evan: even though we both like him
Evan: but he doesn't like us
Evan: or he says he does when he doesn't

Jackson: he told me you guys got tired of waiting for him to like you back

Evan: ha
Evan: thats bullshit
Evan: he was tired of us
Evan: u know how many times he didn't want do dealwith us because he was just tired of us
Evan: god but when he paid attention to us it was like a high

Jackson: then why didn't you stop being friends with him if he kept doing that?

Evan: manipulation
Evan: all because of how he came out

Jackson: he was forced out, right?

Evan: aw ur cute
Evan: no
Evan: SUPER messy story
Evan: rory had this guy he was crushing on hard in like 8or 9th grade
Evan: don't remember him. he transferred like the next year
Evan: but I guess they were lowkey a thing and decided to tell people
Evan: but then rory wanted to back out becase he decided he wasn't ready yet
Evan: afTER They started telling people
Evan: so he blames that guy for doing the thing they thought was a good idea
Evan: idremember his name but yeah rory blamed him hardcore
Evan: i think if the dude stayed at school rory would've wrecked his life
Evan: oh yeah and his parents didnt give 2 shits about it because they already knew?
Evan: or they told him, don't remember

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