Chapter 24

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There's a gurgled sound, and then I hear Julia say cooly, "Hello, Jackson."

I walk into the screen-in porch on the back. It's the only day this week where it's not supposed to be super hot or muggy. And after sleeping for...basically, all of yesterday, I finally have the energy to do shit. "Hi, Julia."

She inhales. "Having fun in bumblefuck nowhere?" She's using her "Oh-I-Didn't-See-You-There" voice.

I roll my eyes. "Well, I – "

"Because I'm having too much fun with my dad in South Beach," she says, forcing herself to laugh. It makes me cringe. "We've gone to all the best restaurants, and so many guys've asked for my number."

Is this supposed to make me jealous? I groan. "Juls – "

"But I say 'no' because I'm with you." Julia pauses, just long enough for me to feel like I have a chance to talk, but then she keeps going. "Also, oh my God, I saw a bunch of people helping a shark back into the water like in one of those videos. It was so cool." She means it.

Oh my God. "Juls, I have other shit I gotta do so can you, just, stop for a second?" I kinda wanna ask more about the shark, but I also don't wanna get distracted. Again.

"Oh. Um, okay." Something wraps around her for a second, and it makes this scratchy sound in the microphone. "What's up?"

"I think we should break up."

She coughs. A lot. "Wh – wait, what?"

"Yeah. I've, uh, been kinda, nervous because I keep thinking you're gonna break up with me at graduation. I just..." I sigh and ruffle my hair. "I'm, I'm not really happy right now, either. And, and I just figured – "

Something screeches in the background on her end. "Jackie, where are you?"

"Don't call me 'Jackie'."

"Jackson, where are you?"

"What difference does that make?" I ask. I'm...a little confused by this. Kinda thought she'd be relieved that I was doing it. "I'm, sorry, but it's not like you're gonna change my mind."

She begins spluttering. "You're just gonna throw away four years? Everything we have?"

"Four years of you breaking up with me every summer and then begging me to get back together with you. I'll miss that so much." Now that I say it aloud, it's kinda sad.

"Y – you don't know what you're saying."

"Why can't you just accept it?"

"I – " Julia huffs. "I'm not taking this lying down. Four years is a long time, Jackson."

"Yeah, four years of being ignored and not being listened to is worth saving."

She huffs again. "Jackson, I'm sorry."

"Well, that's fuckin' great, but are you also ignoring the bake sale?"

"I'm not! You lied - "

"Because I sure as fuck remember how that turned out."

"Jackson, wait – "

"Because, if I remember right, you ditched me hardcore."

"You lied to me."

"Because I knew that you'd never help me if you knew what I was actually doing. God, Julia, I was selling cake and brownies for a fucking club, not selling meth."

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