Chapter 29.3

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I don't know who decided this, but Prom should come after graduation. Doesn't 2 parties basically celebrating the same thing seem like overkill? Then again, Carly Simonson's kinda ruined all parties for me. Forever.

She should've planned this shit. Would've been a fucking rager.

Our Prom theme is Fairy Wonderland. And look, I might be into dudes (still not sure where I land on the whole "sexuality" thing, but Rory making out with me is still kinda hot), and I get other people like it, but the theme's pansy-ass weak. I mean, Paige says it's because they're reusing the stuff from the school musical (which...I didn't even know we had a musical this year [UPDATE: we didn't]) and "trees and festive lights mean it's fuckin' magic and shit." Her words.

I didn't wanna go, and then Natalie asked me to come with the group. So I go stag with the club. Harrison announces he's gonna video call with his girlfriend in Ohio that night, but "if y'all need me, just text". Tucker shakes his head "no" when Natalie asks if he's going. The only reason Everett's going is for the free food.

Night of the thing, it's wet. The week leading up to Prom was raining so it's just wet and moist and squishy everywhere. But that's not the worst of it. Considering most of the good shit in our town is actually, like, an hour and a half away from us, Prom's held in our gym. Which isn't big enough, so they have all the food and tables served in the hallways around the gym so the gym itself is just for dancing.

They begin setting it all up the day before. During classes.

"This is the worst," Paige sighs, striking a pose by the back doors to the gym. In true Paige fashion, she's dressed in this flowy dress that spreads out over the ground. Except the ground is wet, so she's now tied the ends up around hip. She looks like a classy-ass pirate.

Owen, who's dressed in a grey suit (and looking suave as fuck, but don't tell him I said that), hits her in the arm. "Paige, we're early."

"Royalty shows up on time, Bartlestein."

He stands up. "Welp, this was fun."

She laughs and grabs his arm.

Everett's watching us from down the steps. Natalie's sitting between me and him, watching the cars pull into the parking lot.

It's only really when the entire soccer team comes up after pregaming that the doors to the gym open. Not for the people sitting out on the steps for 20 minutes. For them.

Which works fine because Everett, Natalie, and I move off to the side to let everyone go first.

Julia walks in with her friends. She eyes me for a second, frowns, and heads in.

Harper leaves and goes back to his car.

"Hey!" Paige shouts, leaning over the railing at us. "What're you doing?" But the way she asks it, it's weird.

Everett looks at me, then at Natalie. "Enjoying the night air," he says, gesturing to the clouds blocking the moon. "Like a lovelorn werewolf watching the moon, thinking of his long-kidnapped lov – "

I slap him. LIGHTLY. "Keep your romance bullshit to yourself."

He smirks. "Ah, the plight of youth – "

Natalie glares. "I'd, honestly, rather you read me your trashy romance novels than have to subject us to your terrible fanfiction poetry."

I point to her. "And I'll slap you again."

Natalie snorts. "Dude."

"Kinky," is Everett's response. "Like a Christian Grey in the making."

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