Chapter 35

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"Oh, fuck," Ken says, still going in to shake Mr. Harwood's hand for some reason. Then he covers his mouth. "Shit, fu – oh my God, I'm so – "

Mr. Harwood smirks and shakes his head. "Calm down, Kenny. I'm not here to be malicious or anything of the like. To either of you." He just used a big word and I vaguely know what it means. Then Mr. Harwood looks at me. "This was purely accidental, Jackson. I was just running into town for some extra herbs and sides for dinner tonight and tomorrow." He points outside to his truck, the backseat piled up with groceries. "I...didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I just – "

"I get it," Ken says, tipping his iced coffee towards him. "Trouble with your kid, and you hear someone talkin' about them, you snoop a little."

"Y-yes, I suppose," Mr. Harwood says, taking a sip of his drink. "Snoop."

I am not okay with him being here. Hearing what I said. I don't wanna be here anymore.

I stand up. "I'm, uh, gonna start headin' back."

Mr. Harwood stands up. "Jackson, let me drive you. There's a lightning storm coming in soon."

"Better head back now then, huh?" I ask, throwing my water away. As soon as I get outside, my stomach settles a little, and I can smell the storm coming. And I really like it when the clouds look like a big wave in the distance. I don't know why, but I think that's just real cool.

"Jackson!" Mr. Harwood grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "Jackson, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I'm – "

" – just at your wits end, right?" I ask. "About to send him to a military college?"

He steps back. He grits his teeth and sighs. "Jackson, I'm desperate. We don't know what to do with him anymore."

"Then why don't you talk to him?" I ask, mocking him. "I've tried, but he won't tell me shit."

"He'll listen to you."

I wanna snap back at him. Say something like "Yeah, that'll be the day" or "Fuck you, I'm not helping you". But I don't.

"Because if you haven't noticed, he...quite taken with you."

I look at him for a second. I look away.

"Mr. Harwood?" Ken peaks out from behind him and leans over. "I, uh, think we should, like go back inside 'r somethin'." He nods his head to somewhere across the lake. "Lightning."

I turn. Light flashes in the clouds hanging over the mountains. A train's coming in.

Fuck, what I wouldn't give to get on that fucking train right fucking now.

"Jackson?" Ken touches my shoulder, and I flinch a little. "You don't gotta talk. Just, like, come inside, bruh."

I drag my feet as he brings me back inside Starbucks.

Mr. Harwood's sat down at the table Ken and I were at. "I – " He clears his throat. "I would scold you for speaking to me like that, Jackson," he starts, putting his hands together on the table. "I don't even let Rory talk to me like that. That's hugely disrespectful." He pauses.

I frown. "I don't think you're in the position to scold me, are you?"

He's clearly taken aback. "I would say I'm really surprised this's coming from you, but under the circumstances – "

Ken sits down. "Look, Mr. H, I'm not one to, like, put themselves in shit like this, but Jack's my bro. I was there f'r him during spring break and I'm not backin' out now." He looks at me and grins.

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