Chapter 14

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My death stare at the ceiling doesn't do anything. Though I didn't think it would've. It was honestly just something to pass the time since I'm having an existential crisis or a mental breakdown. Maybe it's just that I've been awake for too long, and I don't know what either of those are specifically, but either works right now.

I don't think I slept. It was one of those nights where I felt like I was awake, and I, just, don't remember ever falling asleep. And instead of doing things to help pass the time, like watch more "instant regret" videos, or my research essay for History, I'm lying awake and wondering how I can murder people and get away with it.

Rory keeps texting me "social suicide". He's been doing it for about an hour. So I'm pretty ready to break his nose again.

Jackson: Stop texting me.
Jackson: God, I get it fuck you.

Rory: wow and here i was thinking I was helping you

Jackson: What, you don't have anything better to do on a Saturday than to text me
Jackson: Don't you have other friends? go fuck around with them

Literally, go be somewhere else for a little. Just leave me alone.

Rory: evan and caleb are coming over later
Rory: need something to do while i wait for those assholes

I sit up. When did he make up with them? Also why would anyone make up with Rory, of all people? I mean, last I heard, too, he was on bad terms with them.

Then again, it's been, like, four months.

I can't imagine being friends with Rory for a long time. That just seems torturous. If that's a word.

Jackson: So after you're done bothering me, what're you doing?

Rory: one of them if thats what you're asking

NEVER. "Perverted moron," I mutter.

Jackson: wow no like what're you doing today?
Jackson: mall, movie, what?

Rory: what century is this where going to the mall is cool again?

I don't know about you, but the mall in the next town over's the fuckin' bomb. It just got the Apple store. It renovated the tech place, and their massage chairs're free to use because they don't get enough customers coming in to buy them. The food court's mostly Chinese, but it's some of the best I've ever had. And it renovated the theater, too. Some of them have those 'dine-in' options. Which is fucking awesome.

Jackson: dunno about you but my mall's fucking' awesome
Jackson: jealous?

I can actually hear him snort. I hate that I can hear him snort. It makes me cringe. At me.

Rory: nah, princess.
Rory: while you're probably off having fun in fuckwood 70's, caleb's got a home theater
Rory: u jealous now?

...why does anyone need a home theater?

Jackson: So you ARE watching a movie.
Jackson: Which one?

Rory: gay porno.
Rory: It's a Threesome

I click my teeth together.

Jackson: Twilight seems like a good movie to roast
Jackson: Imean, the acting's shit, but whatever
Jackson: u do you

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