Chapter 28

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Mom's shaking me awake at 6:50. Which is not how I wanna wake up on a Monday morning. "Spring break's over, Jackson," she basically hums, pulling up the blinds and letting in the light. I groan and try to convince her through groaning that I'm not ready. This only really encourages her to basically pull me out of bed. "I hope you had a good break, sweetheart," she sighs, walking out of my room.

I sit up, wishing I had maybe 5 more minutes. Or 30. But if I go back to sleep, I'll be murdered. And it just isn't worth it right now.

Finally sitting up after a minute of trying to move, I grab my phone. I've wasted the time trying to sit up, so I can't shower. But all things considered, I shouldn't be worrying about that right now.

Rory: u sleep okay?

I shiver because this is weird. He's did it yesterday, but God, is it not weird that Rory fucking Harwood's texting me, basically, "good morning"?

Maybe "weird" isn't the right word. I mean, I do like it. It's, weird works.

It's enough for me to get out of bed.

Jackson: No, I wanted more

Rory: if only it was spring break again ;)

Dick. The one time I say I had a good sleep, apparently I cuddled up next to him.

I bite my cheek and try not to think about it. It was a pretty good sleep, if I'm honest.

Jackson: Shutup
Pray for me because school's gonna be shit

Rory: i've been praying for you since i woke up, princess

I snort and get dressed.

And I'm on autopilot until, like, 3rd period. I'm just in this, like, haze of not really being awake. People shouldn't be waking up this early for anything.

I'm taking my shit out of my locker for the afternoon classes when Julia leans against my neighbor's locker. "How was your vacation?" she asks, not looking at me.

I turn away. Only because Rory kissing me's popped into my head and now is not the time for this shit, brain. "It was fine," I say back. Also not going to mention me and Rory making out on the couch while Sharknado's on – OH MY GOD, STOP IT. "Yours?"

She shrugs. "...would've been better if you were there."

I sigh and shake my head. "Julia, I was serious."

She blinks and stands up straight. "...why?"

I nod. "I just...I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't happy right now. I'm not. There's just..." I wave my hands around my head. " much in my head that I can't even..." Words. I'm not a morning person, if anyone's guessed. But it's the afternoon and I'm basically still jetlagged from the train home yesterday.

Julia stares hard at me. "You're really breaking up with me?"

I shake my head and look away. "It's too early for this now," I sigh, even though it's, like almost 2 in the afternoon or something. I take out my history book out for 7th period. "Can we, maybe, talk about this later?"

Her eyes dip for a moment before she asks, "Is...was it...Bartlestein?"

I kinda wanna pull her hair out. Also, again, too early for any of this. But it comes out as, "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"No, Julia. You wouldn't." I pause. And even though I'm probably sleep-deprived and ready to basically fall asleep on the sticky floor of this hallway (also why is this floor so sticky??), I'm calm. I'm not mad, or pissed, or anything. I', because I don't have a better word for it right now. "Yeah. I lied about the bake sale. Because I knew you wouldn't come when I needed you." I slam my locker door closed with my foot. "And I was right. You didn't."

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