Chapter V: Another one?

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A/N: Language and violence.

Isla stood at her cell door with a deadpanned look covering her face.

"Is he bloody serious?" She shouted at no one in particular. She went from one cell to another one. Her muscles tensed and her fingers were fidgeting she wanted to get out.

"Who you talking to girly?" Some guy croaked from elsewhere as other dirty males hooted.

"Go stuff some shit in your mouth ass wipe?" She growled out which caused some of the men to laugh and the guy called her feisty. She should've bolted the other direction away from this god damn pack. She could've escaped and enjoyed a good hunt. Her wolf growled in her head as the beast thought of all the rabbits and deer meat that she could be eating, but then turned angry and upset at the thought of leaving her unmarked male.

She groaned and went to touch the cell but cussed when the metal burned her.

Is he serious? I'm his bloody female, who the hell does he think he is?

She looked around to find a bucket in the corner that had a couple of chips around the rim of it and to the two beds that were on opposite sides. A least there is more space in this one. Kelly laid on one bed still blissfully asleep. She pondered on whether she fainted from the smell or if it was her penetrating her own body to put a rib back into place.

Then she remembered that her wolf was already unstable and she hadn't had the chance to fully train her into controlling her own wolf. She wanted to be able to teach her some combat skills as well. Both human form and wolf form, they need to be both equally as strong as the other side. Otherwise she would either struggle in her wolf form or her wolf would take over which could be dangerous around others.

After a couple of hours, sitting on the bed doing nothing but staring at the roof. A loud bang was heard and a male came down holding two trays of food. Both having vegetable soup with half a sausage on the side and a piece of stale bread. Kelly, woke up to the smell of the food and looked pleased with it meanwhile Isla's wolf growled at the lack of meat.

The men in the other cells complained about where their meals were when they were only thrown stale bread and bruised apples. At least they're getting fed down here. She didn't want to think about all the times She would eat dirty vermin. She was always scared that the dirty rats would give her disease, but thankfully she was alive. "How come we're in these cells, when my mate is here?" Kelly asked as she held the bowl of soup close to her chest and with her hands hoping to warm up through the thin sheet that she had around herself.

"So that male when you were puking was your mate huh?" She mumbled, not bringing up the alpha being her mate. Who cares, she never really wanted to have a mate to begin with. The thought struck her heart cords. She left the rest of her meal on the tray as she lost her appetite.

"Yeah he is, but why would he leave me here?" Kelly cried out.

"We're rogues, can't be trusted. At least we weren't killed right on the spot." Isla played with her knotted hair, twirling the dirty pieces around her finger. She just wanted to jump into earths water.

"You are both lucky girly's, I'm surprised the both of ye' are still alive, the alpha and his beta killed all of our friends, he normally saves one rogue from a group to torture and question. You're in for a real treat." His laugh sent chills down my spine. His voice embedding into her mind.

"We're going to be tortured?" She started panicking and was pacing the cell making her feel dizzy as she watched Kelly turn back and forth. She could feel a headache forming, telling her to calm down. She perked up when she heard a rumbling growl coming from next to her and saw that her wolf was aiming to take control.

"Shit". She muttered under her breath.

"Guards this angry she wolf is going to kill me" She yelled. The guard that was chilling on a seat a few doors down just mumbled a "nice try".

Did they want them to kill each other.

She couldn't kill a younger girl could she?

She sure as hell wasn't ready to die. "You are all bloody useless". She yelled out.

It was too late, Kelly's body cracked into shape whilst she screamed out from the pain.

Her wolf was smaller than Isla's but this space could not hold two werewolves in their wolf form. She braced herself for the impact feeling her claws rip through her arm, She screamed out for her to stop hoping she would.

But she was on a psychotic craze from the disappointment she felt by her mate not accepting her. She had to prepare herself to fight seeing that she isn't calming down. She felt him coming this direction as stomping noises could be heard shaking the floor above them, then she heard the door crack and splinter into pieces.

His footsteps sounded thunderous against the floor. He was surely pissed once again.

Extremely temperamental. She thought to herself.

The guards shitting themselves as they watched on the sidelines not wanting to interfere with a crazed she wolf. She ducked multiple times causing her skin to graze on the hard concrete flooring. Her blood could be smelt strongly which is most likely why Xavier probably came bursting down here.

He yelled at the guards about what they were doing putting two wolves in the same cell when we are rogues.

Meanwhile Isla was trying to hold this pissed wolf off. She managed to get multiple cuts in without hurting her too much, but she felt another claw swipe at her stomach. The pain raw, the more damage done is causing her healing process to slow down.

"Screw all of you. Just Screw it." She shouted. She let more of her power seep through. The guards baring their necks to her instead of their own alpha.

"Kelly, Control your wolf and shift now." Her voice bound with a commanding tone. The wolf was shaking its head side to side in confusion to what was happening, its mouth still foaming wanting to kill.

"Shift." Her tone was laced with authority. Xavier's guards whined and bowed down to her confused to what was going on. Xavier stared at her, his eyes flicking through black and his grey blue eyes. He was fighting with his wolf. She could smell some of his unwanted pride surging through the air towards her nostrils for her to breathe in.

Kelly's wolf couldn't fight it anymore, letting Kelly shift back into her human form, her wolf submitting to Isla, craving the need for an alpha to follow. She bowed her head towards her whilst Isla let her claws out, unsure what her wolf wanted until she let her take control.

She chanted something in old Latin before inserting her claws into the back of her neck gently. She could smell the smallest scent behind her wolf which indicated which pack she was in. She was in Isla's pack now.

Isla retracted her claws, and couldn't believe this power that surged quickly through her veins. She was an alpha.

© 2018 Emily Rose. All Rights Reserved

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