Chapter XXX: Reunion; Part I

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Her bare feet patted along the rough concreted flooring, as she ran past many old broken cells, her ears and eyes straining to ensure no one was around her. It was quiet, just like the night she had escaped last time.

She opened a door that she remembered to be the same exit door as last time, her heart pounding with excitement. Only to find it replaced with a brick wall.

She pounded her fists against the wall, the skin on her hands already cut up and sensitive. But she didn't care. She collapsed on the floor trying to gain her composure before re-entering the lions den. She needed to think for a second on how to breathe. Her adrenaline wearing off slowly.

3 deep breaths in. 3 breaths out following each breath she took in. Her heart began to pound a little closer to a normal beat. With a shaky rise she got up onto her feet. She wanted to get out before this sudden strength left her.

Walking out of the small area with the old closed off exit door she began to walk around looking for something to use as a weapon.

Stumbling upon a kitchen she found a dirtied butchers knife and a couple of clean steak knives.

She wiped off the grime on the butchers knife onto paper towels that rested next to the gas stove. Holding it in one hand and holding the steak knives in the other. Looking around some more she found an unopened water bottle. She quickly dropped the knives and downed the water. Some of the water pouring down her chin as she held in a cough. She cleared her throat carefully not to alarm anyone that could be around.

Waiting a few seconds she heard no one coming. Where had everyone gone? She didn't have the time to contemplate this as this was her chance for escape.

Picking up her weapons she moved out of the kitchen.

There were areas of this old cellar that she had never covered before. A wave of heat crashed in her body once again. Son of a bitch. She cussed in her own mind. She fought off the groans that wanted to part out of her mouth.

Another male rushed into the smell, soulless eyes staring at the She wolf in pain.

"Piss off." She growled out. She threw the steak knife which wedged into his eye. He screamed out in pain. But yanked it out going to attack her. She dodged him the first round. Using the second knife to stab him in the back of the neck  as she pushed it down. He managed to claw her leg. A string of cusses escaping her mouth.

3 hours prior:

"Alpha, there has been movement from these creatures. It seems as though many of them are leaving for something but we don't know what."

"How many are leaving?" Xavier asked his head warrior.

"9 of them heading in the opposite direction towards civilisation." He stated before adding in, "Are we going to do anything about it, or would you just like to leave them?"

"If they're heading into civilisation there isn't much that we can exactly do. We can protect them against what we know but we have no idea what vampires are like anymore. It's been a long time since their apparent extinction. They may have evolved into something worse for all we know."

This didn't sit well with the wolves. Not even Xavier was comfortable with the decision but he knew his wolves safety was also crucial when it came to protecting the humans from other things. He couldn't have his best wolves die without knowing what they were up against.

"The council will be told soon. The enforcers may have to be involved." And this included his brother.

"This May be a perfect opportunity to retrieve our Luna." One of his wolves stated in a whispered tone.

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